I went through Tetons o the way to Yellowstone and had a similar amount of time. Taggart Lake is fairly short and very lovely, so I'd recommend that as a low-commitment but beautiful hike.

This is my answer too - include mount hood and mount adams if possible. Although I feel bad as we do have a ton of protected lands already

Wait, now I'm confused. Is it a city-maintained garden or an off-leash dog area? None of the comments I've read prior have actually said definitively. It's just a lot, right?

I'm always happy when I see our boys going to town on an overgrown blackberry thicket

Thanks for looking! I did see that but I recalled it being more definitive. I must have just misremembered.

Edit: of course this essentially invalidates my initial claim, as he's obviously referring to there being something in place even if it isn't that significant.

I swear to god I saw one of the devs say that in a comment, but I've spent over an hour trawling through basically all of the tinto talks and I am cutting myself off. You're probably right

They've said there will not be an espionage system in the game (at launch)

Edit: disregard, I am wrong

That's fair! The level of detail is impressive and I'd be willing to bet they'll see and implement some of what you suggested - they're definitely incorporating feedback.

This must have been a ton of work to put together, nice job. You may want to keep in mind that sources other than Wikipedia are generally going to be more what they're looking for with suggestions - not that it isn't useful, but they just already have access to it. If you have other sources I'd definitely include them! I'm basing this purely off the maps you linked.

It should also take a lot longer to reinforce losses on those regiments. Right now it's like there's a portal between the old world barracks and the regiment, wherever they are in the world. Sure, they're probably reinforcing from local mercs/sympathizers, but that should affect the fighting force as well (maybe by lowering morale?)

I'm picturing giant portcullis at tunnel view, royal court at the ruins of the Ahwahnee, mandatory propaganda screenings on halfdome and el cap

Dude my team went paddling there after our season in high school. We were being idiots and doing a dance off and the canoe flipped, but somehow wound up stuck in the sludge at the bottom of the arboretum. I can *still feel* it oozing between my toes to this day.

As an American, I don't think I've ever had to bribe a doctor/police officer/gov't official just to go about daily life. Like ever

High level there is corruption but honestly they get in trouble once exposed, and it isn't something that ordinary people directly feel.

This is a fair critique in the world we live in today. Europe is the US' closest alliance partner and we do need them to step up given all the geopolitical tensions flaring up. That doesn't mean we should cave on Ukraine though.

We have the largest economy, so of course we can give the most. Our industries weren't all leveled 80 years ago like Europe's. The countries closest to Ukraine are giving the most, proportionately - they're just smaller and much less developed. Remember, they were in Moscow's stranglehold only a few decades ago.

This is Ukraine's war of independence and their cause is absolutely worthy of American support.

Edit - you aren't totally off though. France, Spain, and Italy can and should be doing a lot more, as ostensible leaders in Europe. Generally, the countries closest to Ukraine are doing the most (that they can).

They are saying that attacking/conquering as depicted in eu4 is not genocide because you are only explicitly destroying military units.

You are interpreting that as them saying that you have to kill every single member of a group for it to be genocide, then you successfully counterargued that argument - even though I don't think it was the argument that they were making.

Unpopular opinion, but it always kinda blows my mind how these jokes are so embraced by the community. Like I get that for many its ironic, but there's rarely anyone in the comments on the side of "no genocide simulator is needed in paradox games" and it's fucking weird.

My reaction was the same as yours, but they do have a bit of a point. They're saying that war and conquest in eu4 is not genocide by the modern definition, if I'm understanding them correctly.

Engaging militarily is not genocide, it has to do with how the entire population of a culture/ethnicity is treated. The allies were not attempting to destroy the entirety of the German peoples by fighting them in ww2. Imo eu4 sidesteps this entirely by only showing soldiers as people and abstracting the absolute hell out of everything else - the only way cleansing could be depicted in eu4 is a drop in development paired with a culture change, or an event specifically designating it as such.

Edit: obviously this is all colored though by what we know actually happened in history and that cultural erasure and genocide is very very real, so I'm in no way arguing with people who draw a line from "what isn't depicted in game" to "what can reasonably be inferred is happening"

I dunno, you drive by on a Friday or Saturday night and it can be unexpectedly PACKED. Either that or the strip club ran out of parking and is even more packed. I've never been to the Shanty Tavern but I adore it as a landmark, and think it's got odd hours that make it seem less busy than it actually is.

I've been looking forward to Prime 4 for over ten years now (I mean same as everyone else here) and I agree - in typical Nintendo fashion, this is kinda a weird trailer. Starting with the opening text was an excellent touch, as well as Samus landing, but after that it's a bit of an odd promo.

I love the Prime series and will buy it no matter what, but I was a little underwhelmed by everything in the middle. It was really reminding me of Prime 3, with better graphics, which isn't *bad* but hopefully they have a little more to show for the decade plus of work that's gone into this. Looking forward to future teasers!

I think it's a little silly to say we can't make an educated guess as to what wars will be about, but I suppose you are technically correct. Even then, my point is more that England's strong navy tends to prevent ai enemies from ever having a chance to threaten English clay at all, so I'd rather the detail be elsewhere if performance is at all a concern. Even then, England's population and market won't change from there being more locations, it will just be more spread out and slightly harder for the PC to calculate.

I don't feel super strongly about this, it's just my inclination. I just don't immediately see what benefit a more detailed England brings to the game, even considering your point.

Really appreciate the work you put into this. My one issue with increasing location density in England is that, 9 games out of 10, it's all owned by the same country. Resource diversity makes sense to me, but in every other argument it feels like it would just increase work for the game engine to manage more locations with no real gameplay benefit - barring player intervention, no other country is really going to dominate England in such a way that drawing granular borders through it is going to matter. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts

I mean they've definitely avoided high-value provinces when you look at the ones they didn't take, so I'm guessing this was a factor.