i genuinely want to understand your reasoning for why you think migration isn't a huge contributing factor to the housing crisis, because if i'm wrong i want to know it so i can direct my efforts towards the actual cause.

as i see it, politicians are using migration policy to guarantee profit on their real estate investments, they're screwing over poor people to line their own pockets.

in my eyes they're just a bunch of literal millionares screwing the poor for personal gain, the immigrants did nothing wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that literal millionares are screwing the poor for personal gain and they need to stop screwing the poor.

would you invite 7 people on a road trip when the car only seats 5?

what would really hurt the REAs is forcing them to compete for tenants by offering lower rent, better conditions, and better treatment, and literally the only way that will happen is if the "housing supply" outpaces "housing demand".

blaming migration for the housing crisis is like blaming CO2 for climate change, its so overwhelmingly obviously correct that how the fuck do people not see it? CO2 absorbs infared light and traps heat, warming the planet. if there are too many people and not enough houses, houses become more expensive.

because its ruled by supply and demand, if you want affordable houses don't let in more people than you have houses for.

if you've got a 5 seater car don't invite 7 people on a road trip.

if your politicians all have multi-million dollar property investment portfolios, maybe don't let them set the migration target without reference to the rental vacancy rate?

people yap about "cars destroyed cities" and in the same breath complain about crime/violence on trains, with zero awareness that its exactly why people choose cars. traffic sucks even if you love driving, but being stuck on a train with rude wierd assholes sucks a hell of a lot more.

japan has both cars and trains, but can rely mostly on trains because japanese people are quiet, considerate, polite, and try not to bother each other. americans spend hours in traffic just to avoid having to deal with other americans on trains, same goes for brits and aussies, and canadians. if the demand for trains existed governments would build it, its literally cheaper, but westerners in general hate being stuck on a train with a bunch of assholes,

the "anti-car people" seem to be completely incapable of understanding that, the "mega highways" exist because people demand them, the government isn't "letting everyone down" the government is giving people exactly what they want, a way of travelling that doesn't involve being stuck next to wierd strangers.

wanting better trains is perfectly reasonable, but "wanting less highways" is just as batshit as "wanting less trains", denying others the right to choose is wrong. i'll gladly ride the trains when visiting japan, its a great experience, i fucking love japanese trains, but at home? they can have my car when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.

i gotta say tho, trains should be free, pay for it via taxes, anyone who doesn't wanna drive a car shouldn't have to (the roads will be safer without them anyway)

people who formed their political views based on their own life experiences insist that "the other side are brainwashed by propaganda, which must be stopped!".

its the human condition, conservatives yap about "woke schools brainwashing kids" while lefties yap about "the murdoch media", because as a species we're so goddamn fucking stupid that we can't comprehend "other people having different experiences in life".

i grew up in a quite racist time and my "teenage rebellious phase" was basically "fuck racism, racism is evil" because it was everywhere and sickening, i distinctly remember being told "don't you hang out with those black kids", "they should nuke the middle east", etc...

and over the last two decades i've gradually started to not give a shit anymore, because the colour of my skin gets me labelled a "white coloniser", and people claim "white supremacy is growing" but over the last 20 years it has almost vanished... only to start growing stronger again in the last few years.

the term "racist" gets thrown around so much that its losing its impact, and just like how the kids who grew up getting called "gay" eventually decided "yeah i am, and i'm proud" the same thing is starting to happen with people who get called racist.

if you grow up getting picked on by bible thumpers who say shit like "you're goin to hell!" you're gonna shift to the left and oppose "christian theocracy" (i know i certainly did), a person's political views are not a choice, they're a consequence of who they were bullied by and what "mainstream social thing" was in control when they went through their "teenage rebellious phase".

if people can't understand that "calling someone a cooker/racist" isn't helping, then the future is very bleak.

the lesson i took from HOI4 is that "democracy is the best system but the inability to pre-emptively declare war on 'enemies you know are going to attack you in the future' is a fatal weakness. and 'the inability to build up your military to prepare for a war before it starts' is a massive vulnerability"

suddenly, world history after 1945 made perfect sense, "so thats why good countries do bad things... because if they didn't, they'd get their shit conquered and we'd be ruled by clowns with stupid mustache styles who hate the tiny hat people"

better dead than red, better ash than fash.

it was a cash grab, run by talentless hacks.

they COULD have written an original story, like "force sensitivity becomes far more common in the galaxy, and rogue force users start tearing shit up, with the chaos leading to a loss of faith in the republic and the remnants of the empire reappear to offer stability" and could have gone anywhere they wanted with it.

but that would require talent and skill at writing original stories.

instead of doing that, they copy-pased "A New Hope", swapped some characters around, and expected nobody to notice, and when people did notice, they responded by calling everyone bigots.

at this point, anything written by Dave Filoni deserves a chance, everything else can fuck right off.

labor put the cart before the horse.

prior to law changes there needs to be a "shift in understanding" to connect housing costs to disposable income; every dollar that goes to rent or mortgage repayments is a dollar that cannot be spent at local businesses.

housing is like petrol, if it gets too expensive it harms the economy. house prices "always going up" is not good for the economy, its killing the economy.

the whole reason we have this problem is that "house prices going down" is a great predictor of an economic crash (seriously, its the most reliable warning sign), but there is a powerful misconception that "house prices going down" is the cause of economic crashes, and very little awareness that "house prices going down" is actually the first symptom of the actual cause of a crash, which is "nobody having any fucking money to keep consumer spending going".

the fact that "house prices going down" is such a reliable indicator of an imminent crash should be a taken as a sign that its a SYMPTOM, not a cause. strangely enough, they don't consider "houses being massively overvalued" as a sign of an economic crash, even though its another "thing that always happens before an economic crash".

its like thinking "fever" causes illness, when in reality the fever is the response to the illness, if you keep treating the fever without giving antibiotics to treat the actual cause you just make the illness worse.

the long term solution is to stop regulating the housing market like its a stock market, stop treating it like an investment, and start treating it like petrol; a basic essential resource that cripples the economy if it gets too expensive.

because it IS, and thats exactly what is happening, housing costs are killing the economy, forcing businesses to close.

housing becoming too expensive eats up disposable income, forcing business owners to spend more on wages because their staff need somewhere to live, and deprives them of customers because everyone is spending too much of their money on housing, it kills small business and the economy just to enrich property investors.

"we'll give you a ceasefire just abandon all your current defensive positions and withdraw a bit, we promise we won't immediately start attacking you again... we've gotta regroup first"

they're "alternate history nerds", they like the idea of history but have an entirely different canon to everyone else.

much like wehraboos who think "germany could have won WW2 if...", they let their ideology shape their view of history rather than letting history shape their ideology.

victoria 3 is great for learning economics, its main flaw is that it doesn't include housing so it doesn't properly model the downsides of "maximising population growth at all costs".

one rich berry deposit with the "double capacity of berry deposits" perk can net you over 500 berries per year, i haven't carefully measured the actual numbers but berries regrow in certain months so if you time it and assign an extra family or two i would not be surprised if you'd produce 1k berries in a single year.

sell most of the berries via the tradepost and you'll easily get a very rapid income for whatever you need.

coops produce more than enough food to feed a family, so once you've got that regional wealth you just spam tiny burgage plots with just enough space for a coop, you can feed your entire population with nothing but eggs and export all the berries. you never run out of food, you always have two varieties, you never run out of workers, you never run out of money.

that strategy on its own is more profitable than literally anything else you could do in ML. i know this because i've used it as a springboard to build every production chain, farm every crop, and found there is no reason to do any of that stuff other than "because it looks cool".

rich hunting grounds are also very gamey, a rich deposit gives far more output than 2x. berry deposits and deer deposits should be replaced with a "delocalised" system where yield depends on forest coverage percentage, so it decreases as you clear land for buildings/farming, so the hunting/foraging income decreases as you expand your town.

veggies are a neccesary fallback until the other food sources are polished.

eggs are also wildly overpowered if you know how to effectively utilise them.

the big issue is that the "production per family working in the supply chain" varies wildly between different food sources. berries can provide insane amounts of food if properly managed, whereas bread, honey, meat, and ale, provide low returns despite requring many families to properly staff their production.

vegetables, apples, and eggs, all are more expensive to set up than berries, require almost no "staffing" and are extremely productive, with the exception of eggs which require nothing other than transport to the granary.

if you want to fix the meta you've gotta make the bread/honey/meat/ale production chains better by decreasing "raw goods" output for ease of transport and compensating by having them multiply at each stage. I.E. "1 wheat makes 2 grain, 2 grain makes 4 flour, 4 flour makes 8 bread", "1 barley makes 2 malt, 2 malt makes 4 ale", "1 deer carcass goes to a butcher and makes 20 meat", etc. final output can be balanced by reducing initial production (I.E. wheat produced per morgen will be cut to 30%, berries and deer will be "delocalised" so their production depends on forest cover rather than having a "deposit", etc)

that way, apples, veggies, and eggs, will still be a semi-viable way to "feed" your village, but they'll be a pain in the ass to transport and therefore far less profitable than complicated resources that have multi-step production chains.

an even better fix would be to have "quantity" measured in pounds, which would require a substantial rework, but it still might be worth doing. having an "expiry date" on goods would also make things far easier to balance, and it'd make salt useful for preserving meat.

should've hired a greek general.

you're like the opposite of those clowns that yap about "pronounce my name correctly!" but don't spell their name phonetically in english while using english, I.E. "i'm sorry miss palaszczuk but how the fuck am i supposed to know you pronounce that as 'palishay'?"

ideally we should be writing the original native spelling and adding the phonetic spelling at the end in brackets, people who don't add the phonetic spelling at the end with brackets have no right to get mad at us for pronouncing their names wrong they fucking deserve to have their names pronounced wrong.

if you ever meet someone who does that to you, tell them you have a speech impediment and discriminating against people with disabilities makes them a bad person.

every decade or two americans pick something to fanatically hate and they let a bunch moralising pricks persecute it.

in the 20s it was alcohol, in the 50s it was communism, in the 90s it was "gangster rap and its explicit lyrics", in the wake of 9/11 it was muslims, since then it has been "themselves", and pretty soon it'll switch to something else.

other noteworthy mentions that i'm too lazy to look up time periods for are "drug users", "war", "slavery", "taxes", "abolitionists", and quite a few things i don't wanna mention, but there's almost always something, and its often a counter-reaction to the previous thing or "the thing they think caused the previous thing", usually because the "moralising pricks" went too far.

shifts are sometimes caused by external factors too, in the 40s it was "the far right" for obvious reasons, followed by "communists" because they uncovered a massive soviet spy network in the late 40s which led to the "McCarthyist" era and kickstarted the cold war.

right now the top two contenders for the next thing are "communism" and "social media", possibly even a combination of both, depending on what happens in the south china sea and eastern europe in the next few years.

the first graph shows wealth, and its relative to the rest of the population. they've ALWAYS used loopholes to avoid paying tax, but its only in the last few decades they've been able to cry "labor shortage!" and get work visas whenever they want, rather than having to increase wages to attract more workers.

their "share" of wealth has increased massively because of how much money they're saving by not having to compete for employees, which is why wage growth hasn't matched productivity growth since the 1970s.

if "billionares not paying taxes" matters, why is a news outlet owned by billionares talking about it?

why do all the news outlets owned by billionares never say a single bad thing about work visas?

they deliberately try to keep us yapping about taxes so we don't see what they're actually doing to screw us, because they know damn well no government is ever gonna tax them and even if they did, the taxes they'd pay are nothing compared to their labor costs.

successive governments propping up the housing market for decades by artificially stimulating demand, while simultaneously inflating the supply of labor which cripples wage growth.

billionares have never really paid taxes, but what broke the system is they continuously yap about "labor shortage! we can't find enough employees!" and every time they do that the government bends over like "yes master!" and creates more work visas, while hundreds of thousands of unemployed aussies struggle to find work and even full-time-employed aussies can't afford to buy homes.

and most of us are too stupid to even see it, even when "increasing the supply of labor decreases its price" is the most obvious thing ever.

people like to forget that without stalin agreeing to molotov-ribbentrop the war wouldn't have started over poland, it may not have started at all, the whole thing was a gamble by hitler that "the french/brits can't declare on both of us", which failed spectacularly because he didn't anticipate that they'd just declare on him and ignore stalin, which isn't as stupid a gamble as it sounds, because for decades most people in the west fucking hated the soviets, i mean really HATED, most western countries intervened in the russian civil war to try and help the "white russian" faction beat the bolsheviks. communism was well known to be evil and was well established as "the great enemy" whereas fascism was "new" and excused its crimes by claiming to be a response to communism, which won it a surprising amount of support in the west, and its leaders were elected rather than installed by violent revolution.

history would show that the fascists were basically pure evil, but at the time only very observant people understood that the fascists and communists were just as evil as each other. ordinary people before the war excused fascism just like how today idiots excuse communism.

they like to change the meaning of words and then get mad when people don't just go with it.

the best way to kill an idea is to "argue poorly in its favor" and some people just can't help themselves, they can take a perfectly reasonable concept and make it look profoundly stupid just by associating themselves with it, and the rest of us have to stand there like a lawyer who desperately wants their client to STFU because they're sabotaging their own case.



marx and the IMF are in agreement on this one, what you fail to consider is that people who wanna keep your wages down know exactly what they're doing and are good at it. "scarcity of people capable of doing a specific job" is why people get different wages for different jobs, its why CEOs get paid millions of dollars because labor is a commodity ruled by "supply and demand". if you want the price to go up, shrink the supply, if you want the price to go down, restrict the supply.

"supply and demand" is the god of capitalism, you don't have to love it, you can even hate it if you want, but you cannot afford to ignore it or underestimate its importance.

as for why "marxism is the worst enemy of the working class", just read the comments on the reddit post, the solution is obvious yet marxists yap about "solidarity" and "greed" while the people stating the obvious get downvoted and banned.

he "discovered" it just like how people can "discover" a restaurant in their city that they've never been to before, its new to them, just not to all the regulars who go to that restaraunt frequently and have known about it for years.

if you're upset about a murderous pillager being celebrated, SAY THAT THEN, stop complaining about the use of the word "discovered", its entirely accurate and appropriate to say columbus "discovered" america, just like how its entirely accurate and approprate to call columbus a "murderous pillager who enslaved people".

"Discover bali with our 7 night holiday package from just $1199"

"Discover Thailand with our 10 night holiday package from just $1499"

accurate usage of "discovered" is well established in english.

some complaining about someone being said to have "discovered" somewhere undermines everything else that person says. if the point is "columbus is an asshole" focus on that and stop sabotaging yourself by using stupid words incorrectly.

EDIT: an even better, even more appropriate use is "the scout discovered the enemy camp", the enemy knew it was there the whole time, but if the scout hadn't discovered it, his buddies would not have been able to invade it and kill everyone who was already there.

the ONLY way to have ANY validity when claiming that "christopher columbus didn't discover america" is if you're suggesting that it was actually "cristobal colon".

labor shortages empower employees to demand things, labor shortages are the foundation without which unions are completely and utterly useless, along with the "pieces of paper" they've fought for that "guarantee rights", because violence doesn't fucking work. dreams of "overthrowing the bourgeoisie" are delusional fantasy.

labor shortages don't exist anymore because the business lobby has figured out how to "solve" them, by yapping to government whenever there is even the slightest hint of a shortage, so the government increases migrant intake. anyone who tries to oppose that gets labelled a "racist", and there are endless loopholes to "workers rights" that make them practically nonexistent.

as for "landowners abusing their tenants" have you seen the rental market lately? lack of supply drives up rent and "millions of desperate applicants" mean rental managers can do whatever they want.

unions have no intention of "fixing the broken system" by demanding that migrant intake be tied to housing avaliability and inflation-adjusted wages, they lack the economic literacy to even ask for it.

its also fucking the actual economy because "sickly unprofitable companies" are kept alive through not having to compete for employees, "capitalism isn't working" because we don't have capitalism, we don't have a free market, we have corporate protectionism and the marxists helped create it.