Helping Wikipedia expand the list of British conquests :UJ:

over the past few days my comment has aged like wine

liking sex isn't wrong

but sex is usually seen as sacred

so casual sex regardless of gender tends to be considered taboo and something to be ashamed of. not to mention it spreads disease is done improperly so even amongst not religious it still has an air of filth around it

as others have stated you can get a filter

and it will impact how much you can sell the house for...

but the water itself should be perfectly safe (after a moment of the tap running). you see Regina's water is very hard meaning it's filled with minerals and salts. as the water flows through the pipes it deposits these minerals on the inside of the pipes leading to the formation of a sorta calcium pipe within the lead pipe so unless your pipe is damaged or the water is stagnant for too long you shouldn't have much of an issue.

as someone who lives in Regina no I won't

tbf the anime had literally episodes that were 2 minutes of new stuff and 18 minutes of recap. Of course we hated it

fun fact dying well rare does not have a 100% success rate at killing cancer

Helping Wikipedia expand the list of British conquests :UJ:

saved is a strong word... postponed might be better

I said "know", I don't know the people online and politicians are bearly considered persons their closer to being wallets with mouths let alone knowing who they are as a person.

I don't know one person who supports both you sure that ain't a straw man you made up?

actually the average depth of the one-piece seas is only 300 meters deep the bigger issue is that we don't know how long luffy can get

they say sea but all forms of water weaken DF users not just salt water

onepiece has one of the lowest filler to cannon ratios of weekly anime (It just came at the cost of fight scenes being stretched for decades)

are there any plans to fix Canada?

with all due respect more often fixes would be greatly appreciated like how EU4 goes upto 6 or 7 patches each update

we don't talk about stellaris

how do you solve the wandering merchant problem?

it's a pretty good game I have about 3400h in it

Hoi is for war

Vic is for economics

Eu is for mappainting

CK3 is for Incest rp

Helping Wikipedia expand the list of British conquests :UJ:

actually yes it sorta is

"a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory." - Oxford language definition

like don't get me wrong Nation and race is different but in the way you're trying to use it nation is more correct

Comets are icy/rocky with a very wonky orbit that brings them close to the sun which causes the ice to sublimate creating a tail

asteroids are made of metal/rock their orbits tend to be more stable

honestly I don't see why either maybe it's because "I am a man" can be used in a gender neutral setting like asserting your independence from someone who treats you like a pet not a human. but that seems oddly specific

Second fun fact: Human comes from the Latin word for man, homo and the Anglo-Saxon word man and is effectively an contraction of the two. so basically the world human effectively means man-man

fun fact: the legal basis of the women's civil rights movement in Canada was that the charter of rights and freedoms used the words man/men and the words are gender neutral therefore they deserved rights. the court's agreed