I've pretty much given up on dating. There's clearly something about me that is not desirable...

I think the fact that I live a little ways out from the city is a big part... And likely the other is being a starving artist. I don't think I look "money" at all. And my assumption is that all the other male profiles suggest they have some financial gain. In some way?

I would like to socialize at the very least; I desire this concept of "dating". But there seems to be no interest whatsoever. And admittedly I'm off all apps accept FB dating because paying didn't seem to do anything. But maybe I need to give it another go?

If I get a match, I literally assume it's a mistake at this point. And it is. Because they don't reply back.

I guess what I am asking... What is off putting to you?

I just want to know if I should throw in the towel?

EDIT - thinking about it now - it's a poorly worded question. And pretty loaded for women to answer this... Because there are a tonne of guys that would jump on this being "fact"...

EDIT: I'm one of those people that will try to reply to everyone, so bear with me. And good thing I have all that fucking karma... Man... I'm just asking a question! XD

EDIT: I own my home. 600k value - 90k owing. My car is paid for. I went back to school in 2016. I owe student loans. $265 a month. No other debt. I have 10k in the bank. I have an excellent credit rating. I guess I am not "broke". But I don't feel like I have anything. I live paycheck to paycheck atm. My house is a century home. And it needs more renovations. Just saying nobody needs to pay for this guy.

Final EDIT:

In case someone else finds this post.

I am not looking for handouts and I definitely agree with everyone that it's not a wise choice to choose someone who is struggling financially as a LTR partner. Short term go for it. Maybe they'll fix their problems and be perfect LTR material. But if you're serious about LTR only ( I am ) it certainly makes sense to choose someone who is providing for themselves. (So 100% understand the criticism being leveled at me & maybe I've got some more work to do )

But I am a little surprised at what a lot of people are posting in here; concerning relationships.

Why are you out looking for someone if you have no intention of supporting someone? In all aspects of a relationship? IE emotional, mental, physical -> in sickness and in health... Yada, yada?

If you're searching for a LTR partner - are you not basically looking for another family member?

If you're not going to share life's ups and downs, why are you trying to enter into a relationship in the first place? Just do fwb already!

And this 100% does not contradict anything I am saying - or reveal me as a gold digger and some lazy degenerate looking for an easy ride...

I've done the hard work and heavy lifting in a relationship. Breast cancer ripped my kids' mom away - the majority here have no understanding of what loyalty and support means...

TL:DR -> I'm not sure many of you want a relationship... But I guess this is all about "dating" tbf...