I am in my 40sF, I am quite attractive - I am in great shape - I work out 4 times a week. I get a lot of attention from men, many people at work tell me I’m beautiful, I dress well and I look great- one guy at the bar told me very loudly - wow u r beautiful ( I said ty lol). Here’s the but- I never get asked out, I never get hit on - I do get guys holding the door open for me, being polite and courteous. What am I doing wrong ( and no, I don’t have a RBF, lol) or what should I do to talk to more guys. I do keep my headphones on a lot. I’m also very confident of myself - is that making guys not approach me ? I have never had to do this since I was 18, a recent divorce has me wondering new dating rituals/ approaches . I am trying to meet people the old fashioned way and stay away from dating apps for now. Any suggestions? How are you all, out there, meeting other people conventionally ?