I’d be super interested to hear from people around the world - where do you live, specifically? What is the main religion (or are people generally atheist)? Is it heavily pushed/talked about?

Where I’m from: Dorset, England, UK

It’s a multi-cultural society, predominantly Christian with Islam coming in second.

It doesn’t get shoved down your throat, apart from signs outside churches. Local vicars do go into the schools occasionally, which I’m not keen on. I’ve always tried to make sure my kids’ schools put it across in the right way - “This is what Christians believe” rather than “this is what happened”.

Although no one really talks about religion much I think you have to put a bit of effort in to counter the indoctrination.

Definitely feel lucky to live here in comparison to some of the people I speak to online.

I’ve seen some American street preachers on YouTube standing outside Pride events, telling these people they can be saved etc. - I can tell you, this wouldn’t go down so well here. You’d be lucky to walk home without a black eye, and I agree that it shouldn’t be tolerated to be honest.

I still find it crazy that intelligent people/philosophers, hundreds of years ago, could put across the key reasons why they couldn’t/wouldn’t believe in god and the poisons of religion, but in this day and age the likes of the USA seem to be going backwards. Am I right in thinking that or are we going in the right direction?