All that I need to know about Jews and Judaism is that the Jews are being duped by Judaism in the same way as all other religious models.

I would venture the guess that atheists are much more aware of the varying levels of danger than the vast majority of theists.

I am unable to help you. I suggest you file a missing persons report at your local police station..

The bible is rife with contradictions. It enables the clerics to cherry pick those verses that will best convince their patrons to fork over their tithes in the name of their lawd.

P.S. Religion is nothing more than big business and will periodically change its product offering to increase profits.

And OF COURSE I'm voting blue no matter who, because Trump is an existential threat to the United States America.


Not only vote BLUE for president, but across the entire ticket. The ONLY way to get rid of these MAGATS is to vote them into oblivion and beyond.

She should be convicted for her own illegal doings. Let her know what a true 'painful experience' is like.

She lost the election thanks to a) Comey's reopening of her e-mail inquiry and b) her calling Convicted Felon's base deplorables.

Part b) is her own doing.

I'm conservative and and while I wasn't able to vote in the 2020 election. I wouldn't have voted for Trump or my current rep or Perdue.

The time when the republican party represented 'conservative' ideals is long gone. It has been taken over by Convicted Felon and his fascist extremists.

I'm for jailing McConnell. He is responsible for the fascist supreme court. Pence simply did nothing.

The rape was in 1995-6 the suit was brought in 2016. Cohen was the convicted felon's fixer at the time.

trump's lawyers lies almost as much as he does. The assignment of the fake electors falls entirely within the realm of the states. The federal government has zero participation duties regarding the assignment of the electors. Coney-Barrett even wrote an opinion claiming that the fake elector scheme is outside of the scope of immunity.

Nah. It is time to use republican norms now that it has been established that Biden has immunity.

The same way that I feel about gravity. It is simply part of nature.

Not only does it not have to do with the executive branch, it also has nothing to do with the federal government. The appointment of presidential electors is entirely within the realm of the states.

He can have them charged with sedition. They are obliged to recuse themselves as the charges are against them.

Everyone gets a holier than thou card as part of the indoctrination process.

Not everything in the Bible is literal.

Which is one of the problems with a book that people base their worldview upon. Any book that is as open to interpretation as the bible is useless for determining one's moral code.

Figuring out what started the universe would be a definite proving the negative

No. Because you would then have to figure out what started the starter of the universe.

"She remembered her lover with the penis like a donkey and a flood of semen like a horse." - Ezekiel 23:20

Maybe he needs to deconstruct and learn that science isn't bad or doesn't go against Scripture.

Talking bushes, snakes, and donkeys are all scientifically verifiable.

The ability of all 8.7 million species of animal life surviving an 11 month long global flood on a hand-made wooden ark with only a pair of each species and 8 caretakers is totally possible.

Yeah, scripture is totally compatible with science.

Rather than answer his questions, turn them around on him and have HIM defend himself.

If god is all merciful, then why would he condemn someone who hasn't visited the sick in prison to 'eternal punishment' (Matthew 25)?

According to him man is too complex to have evolved and therefore needs a creator. It follows that god is certainly more complex than man therefore, according to his own argument, god must need a creator. Who created god?

but when he realized I actually had a response he just interrupted me and changed the topic to a different argument.

By going on the offensive and asking questions, you can avoid falling into that trap. If he doesn't answer your questions, just interrupt HIM and keep on demanding an answer.