He will grow out of it. The children in Western European cultures often grow up with christian grandparents but almost none of them believe by the age of 10 or something.

If the parents and the friends are atheist he will also become an atheist.

Just support and love him.

Yeah it's sad....

Everyone lives in their own echochamber I guess...

There is nothing we can do about it because that's how algorithm works.

I agree with you with the fact that some christians, (especially the ones in the USA) have some sort of victim complex. Like YOU ARE IN THE MAJORITY, NOBODY IS PERSECUTING YOU.

But christians in christian-minority countries sometimes do get persecuted.

Having said that, it obviosuly doens't justify the victim complex of some American christians.

This is sadly true.

I've got a lot of atheist friends and I do fear that some of them think I am stupid or gullible or both.

But I love them regardless and can't imagine cutting them out of my life.

As a Belgian,

Our religion teacher asked us once what we believed.

Around 10 kids were full blown atheist (nothign happends after death)

Around 10 other kids admitted to being spiritual (there is something after death but idk what)

There was 1 christian.

But it is also noteworthy that my clasroom was one of the least diverse, there were classgroups with loths of foreigners in them who were mostly muslim.

conclusion: christianity is dieing out, islam is on the rise.

As someone from Belgium, I can say I didn't know we had an Islamic party.

If even the people don't know, it can't be a large party.