State your gender, sun, moon, venus, mars

Also state what turns you on in the opposite sex to have a hookup

edit: Casual Sex can also be situationships and sex with someone you know and care about. Just that there is no commitment, emotional connection required. Stress drama attachment free sex. Sex with no strings attached. No hurt feelings. FWB etc.

edit: Update 2: Hey everyone! I've gone through all your comments. It's been a busy week, but I've managed to read each one. I'm genuinely grateful for your feedback—I didn't anticipate such engagement. I was bracing for some criticism, but I'm pleased to see many of you expressing your opinions so respectfully.

Feel no shame in your number of partners, whether it's high or low. Each choice you've made in life is valid and personal, influenced by your own reasons. Don't let anyone's criticism affect you because only you have experienced your journey. You've always done what you believed was best for yourself.

While an ideal scenario might involve perfect fidelity with a flawless partner, life is rarely so simple. Relationships often involve imbalance, with one person giving more than the other. Whether you value monogamy or embrace casual connections, remember that your path is yours to define, free from judgment. Your life story is unique, and only you can determine what's right for you based on your experiences thus far.