My acne looked like yours all last year! I also tried a lot of products.

About three months ago I started using Panoxyl 10 percent face wash morning and night. I also apply benzoyl peroxide cream to trouble spots when I get out of the shower ( my cheekbone, temple, and around my mouth area would break out the worst so I would coat a layer on all those spots ).

For moisturizer I use Fruit of the Earth Vitamin E cream. Less than $4 at Walmart. I also put that on twice a day, usually after I shower or wash my face. I like to do it before my face tries because the water seems to help it absorb better.

This last month my skin has improved greatly, this is about my 8/9th week of doing this routine. My skin is smooth in places that used to be rough and patchy. I still get cystic pimples when I ovulate and have my period, but they clear up a lot faster than they used too. The spot dots from panoxyl help me with my picking problem too!

OP, take it from someone who just divorced a guy who acted like this as well as his family….do not marry him. People like that will always choose their “real” family over their wives and children.

My oldest children were my exes step kids and we had two bio kids together. Him and his family haven’t bothered to see ANY of the kids since we split up in February 2023. He showed signs of being a mommy’s boy deadbeat before I married him but I was young, and society taught me as a single mother I should feel privileged to have a man want to marry me with baggage. Now that I’m older, I realize that I am worthy of a healthy relationship despite what society thinks of single mothers. Please consider some things before making a big decision.


I don’t have any women friends either but I’m a girls girl. I get along well with other women. I just have too much social anxiety mixed with a busy lifestyle to form close friendships. I wouldn’t consider simply not having girlfriends as pick me behavior unless you’re purposely avoiding friendships with women because of stereotypes.

I’m a Leo and I love other Leo’s. I’ve also always gotten along with Gemini and Virgo no matter who they were.

Grant Summit Cabins in Bryant, Alabama ( very close to Chattanooga ).

As a Leo I would say my most healthy, balanced and soulmate type bond I’ve had is the man I’m with now who is a Gemini. We also both had a Leo Venus which could contribute a lot to that.

The twin flame type relationship I had ( very toxic but passionate…we were just alike in every aspect ) was a Taurus. But he was born right on the cusp of Taurus/Gemini. To me he embodied more Gemini lol. It was a beautiful love but he was the one that was still of his ego and I had to detach.

Worst relationships I’ve had were Aries and Scorpio hands down. Aries was too hotheaded and argumentative Scorpio was constantly cheating and becoming obsessive when I left him for it.

I’m a Leo and my man is a Gemini. We’re very compatible. My first love was a cancer. We had a good relationship for the most part but the communication between me and my Gemini man is unmatched. We never argue and are always just chilling 😂

Honestly taking my kids to the Nashville fireworks the one time I did was Hell. Super crowded, hard to get somewhere if they need to pee, and traffic was horrible once it was over. You also have to arrive hours ahead at most of the “kid friendly good spots” because everyone knows about them now, and then you’re gonna deal with a hot and bothered child.

I suggest maybe a smaller city firework show. I’m from Franklin, they have always done Franklin on the Fourth downtown followed by fireworks at Harlinsdale Park. I’ve been parking at the Franklin Rec Center for years and never had issues. Brentwood and Nolensville also do fireworks.

I actually weigh less right now than I did before I had 5 kids in seven years. They made me want to have a healthy body.

Leo…it’s usually random and when I’m by myself and alone with my own thoughts in the woods somewhere 😂

Aries moon and mine is going to sit by the water alone with a joint. I’ll get in my kayak and float a while if I have enough time.

Getting burned.

I was in a freak accident in 2019 that left 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 25 percent of my body. The largest wound was on my stomach. 3 months pregnant at the time too, so my stomach stretching caused the would to also stretch and stay open and oozing stuff for months. I was in constant pain for a year and if I was on enough pills to not be hurting, the itching was unbearable.

I’ve had a couple kidney stones and unmedicated childbirth and I would take those 5 times again over another bad burn.

This makes me sound harsh but you need to prepare yourself to be financially and emotionally responsible for this baby. It’s pretty inevitable. I made a lot of mistakes in my younger years. I have five kids, three fathers, going through a divorce right now with the third.

You can file for child support, but if you live in the US it won’t be near enough especially with the astronomical prices of daycare. It’s highly possible he won’t pay it either. They don’t punish men harshly here, especially if the mother works. All three of my exes are on child support and collectively I’ve gotten maybe $500 between the three of them in nine years. They took their driver license and that’s it. It’s essentially a little slap on the wrist to abandon your spouse and kids in many states.

Seek support from family, welfare, churches, programs at this point. It will probably be more than anything he can provide. Men who take care of their kids never need to be begged or bargained with to do it. They just do it, even if they’re not with the mother anymore. He is displaying all the signs you need that he won’t be a supportive partner and father.

I’m a Leo female and Libra men love me but I just can’t stand them…they want you to move in after one day of talking.

I don’t agree with people saying Aries/Leo are supposed to be compatible. My ex husband was an Aries and made everything a competition, and as a Leo that likes recognition it felt like I was never appreciated for anything. I was always told how he could do it better. Maybe in other Aries/Leo relationships it’s different dynamic.

Most chill signs I’ve encountered are Libra women and Sag men.

With my first child ( a boy ) I gained 24 pounds, with my four daughters I gained 5/10 pounds but I also puked for 9 months straight with them so there’s that lol.

I like to collect rocks and Cosmic Connections is my to go place for good quality rocks and jewelry.

You’re right, that’s what I meant to say, I still don’t feel like I’m going to spend that much amount of money on one of my kids In 18 years…it’s financially impossible for me but we are still surviving without government assistance or child support right now. I make between $2300-2500 a month. It’s hard buts it’s doable and my kids probably feel like they have the same childhood as other kids they interact with in our town although it is hard for me as a mother to do it. I do feel like the $300K number factors a lot of things, a lot of people with kids won’t even make that much in 18 years. Basically if you want kids you have to sacrifice a lot and I don’t blame people for not wanting to do that.

Something about Leo Venus it seems like. I am a Leo sun and Venus and I’m also extremely turned off by men with a high body count. I am devoted and loyal after two days of talking stage 😂 can’t imagine it any other way.

I have an Aries moon and the terms “FOB, situaitionships, and causal relationships” make me sick to my stomach. I am devoted to the person I’m sleeping with because I won’t sleep with anyone unless they agree to monogamy with me 😂

Absolutly not. I’ll be 30 next year my body count is six and they were all men I’ve been in long term relationships with. To me, sex is reserved for a man who is completely loyal and in love with me and vice versa on my part.

I’m a Leo sun, Aries moon, Pisces rising, Leo Venus female

I am heavy on pets are just as hard as children and I have 5 young kids 😂. I haven’t owned a pet since starting a family because it’s literally an extra child.

I have 5 kids my husband abandoned us last year, I can’t get child support because he disappeared. I’ve been experiencing raising children off of $2500 a month the last year. No government assistance. I get free health insurance through my job. ( which is a blessing in America ).

I pay my rent, car note, and insurance. I spend about $300 a month on groceries. My kids eat 3 meals a day but I’ve had to learn to be ok with fasting a few times a week. The younger two go to daycare which is about $900 a month. My parents watch the older kids ( also a blessing). For vacation we do cheap camping and hiking trips and I also invested in kayaks a few years ago and that’s another thing we do for fun and bonding time. I can’t save for college or future plans for them. I do believe that they $300,000 per child a year is factoring EVERYTHING into the mix and going off a 40 hour a week 9-5 schedule with child care costs and paying for future education. People are figuring out ways to save and survive now off the bare minimum.

My ex husband was an Aries, most argumentative asshole I’ve ever encountered 😂😂