Fellow Taurus ☀️ Scorpio 🌙 here and I feel the same way. Whenever I tell people I’m a Scorpio moon (conjunct Pluto) I get these crazy ominous reactions, but it’s my favorite placement. Together we ride my friends 💪

Ofc I read this comment, think about how much I wholeheartedly agree with it, then check the flair and see I finally met my big 3 twin!!!! 🥹

Me too 👋 I only have G to Sacral via the 2-14. I work in the healing arts and I find only having 1 channel helps me to empathize with my patients to understand and feel what they need. I need to be really strict with energetic hygiene tho, otherwise it can be overwhelming if I take in things that aren’t mine.

I would say your feelings are related to your 3-60 channel having an “on/off pulse”. I’d read more into that to understand how your energy ebbs and flows with that channel

It really surprised me. I was expecting a trashy salacious guilty pleasure movie but it was actually very moving and made me emotional!

Both are so relatable but it’s Jealousy Jealousy for me. It’s the first song that completely captured how I felt coming of age in the social media era.

1/3 Sacral Generator - going on 2 years 🤙

We always want what we can’t have, don’t we? 🤣 I love the 43-23 and 12-22 channels and often wish I had them in my chart as I’m totally undefined in the 3 of those centers. The ability to come up with innovative and interesting ideas and speak them into reality in a graceful way - you are a powerful being!

I feel like they sat on Obsessed for too long, and many were already listening to the podcast versions or watching the concert videos so it made the release a bit anticlimactic 🤷‍♀️

Agreeeeed. The song is so good but the video fell flat for me.

♉️☀️ ♏️🌙 ♊️⬆️


Oooh we are almost twins, just swapped Water moons


Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto in the 6th house. It’s a doozy lol

Don’t get me wrong, I love my Scorpio Moon. But could do without the 6H Pluto conjunction. Struggled with health issues for a big chunk of my life. It led me on a path to working in holistic medicine that I am very thankful for, I just would like a break from all the karmic lessons 🤣

I have 7 open centers and only 1 channel. I resented my openness for a long time, but in the last year have really learned to love and appreciate it. I am sensitive, receptive, empathetic, and there is so much opportunity for growth and wisdom that comes with being such an open being.

What type of fast do you do? Thank you for sharing!

Looking for ways to have a pain-free menstrual cycleDiscussion

I’ve had debilitating menstrual pain for the last 10 years. I’m used to taking Advil and suppressing it, but it’s caused me gastric issues and I can no longer take it. I’d rather go the natural route and not have to depend on NSAIDs or a pharmaceutical anyway. I feel like I have tried everything in the last year to try to find a reduction in pain but not much has helped. Any ideas for something I haven’t tried?

Supplements I’ve tried: - Magnesium Glycinate - Inositol - Raspberry Leaf Tea - Quercetin & Bromalein - Wild Yam Root Extract - Vitex - High dose Vitamin D - DIM

Other therapies I’ve tried: - Acupuncture - RLT - Castor Oil Packs - Vibrating heating pad device - No Coffee / Alcohol week before - Menthol patches on abdomen - CBD salve on abdomen - Homeopathy (Mag Phos)

I’ve seen a doctor but they didn’t suggest much aside from BC which I’m choosing not to take. Estrogen & Progesterone levels are normal.

I’m going to see a different doctor next week as the level of pain to me (and the lack of assistance from the above therapies) is indicating there may be a deeper issue here…. Any advice is appreciated!!

I can typically spot a fellow Scorpio moon by their eyes. We are usually staring into your soul lol

Venus in Taurus (12h) - I wait for them to make the first move & come to me (which could explain why I’ve been single for so long lol) 🤣 I’m too scared to pursue without knowing if they have any interest first. But once they have expressed interest I’m very playful with lots of banter (Gemini rising lol)

I cry like a mofo when alone but no way will you catch me crying in front of others 🤣

Hello birthday buddy! I am a fellow 8.1 Sun RAX Contagion! ☺️ I see this placement as being a unique individual. Expressing our uniqueness through our authenticity, and through our authenticity we contribute to the whole. I view our unique self-expression as being our biggest contribution to the collective. And by standing in our authenticity, we contribute to others by example. We should avoid hiding our true selves, or repressing our individuality.

As the 1-8 is the channel of the creative role model, I think this placement with a hanging 8 is less about creativity and more about individuality and contribution (which in turn can lead to creativity!) Just my take on it - hope it helps!

Do we know if he goes home next episode? I wish he had been 1st sand 😢

Gemini Rising - I come off bubbly, friendly, talkative and conversationally witty especially when I’m comfortable around you.

Scorpio Moon - If you are someone I trust with my innermost thoughts and feelings you are very lucky lol.

The juxtaposition between the two is that I come off very open due to my rising but deep down I keep things very close to the chest and it takes a while for me to open up to people in a non-superficial way. This leads many people to think they know me, but very few actually do!

The comments on this are disgusting. 300+ innocent civilians brutally tortured, raped and murdered. Their bodies paraded in the streets, mutilated, and being celebrated all over social media, with comments saying a dead 5yo “deserved what they got”.

I don’t care where you stand on the extremely complex and nuanced I/P conflict that you’ve probably only “learned” about from Qatari funded Al Jazeera or infographics from the oh so historically intelligent Bella Hadid.

You people are seriously criticizing Dancing with the Stars pros for condemning horrific brutal attacks on innocent civilians? Do you recognize how ridiculous that is?

Any practitioners had success with treating sleep paralysis with acupuncture?

I’m a TCM student who is curious about the theory behind sleep paralysis (assuming it has to do with the Hun spirit?) and am looking to see if anyone’s had success with treating this. Thanks in advance!