If you can't decide, best just give it to me 😊

You are asking this question as if you will understand scorpios for everything subconsciously driven, when in reality it would probably terrify you and drive you away.

Even scorpios themselves don't like opening up because they don't want to accept the demons they know very damn well that motivates them and everyone else in society and could only wish for an alternative way of living.

If you want solutions, turn to a virgo, they are good at that, but a scorpio is not, they can't escape it, because they always see their demons, unlike other signs which are capable of wearing "rose coloured glasses" more successfully.

Mature Student GCSE


Yeah, this is exactly the thing, but from a philosophical standpoint, the more you overthink something the less you actually understand what it is you are thinking about.

Telling a psychology student to "stop overthinking" and "start understanding" is like telling a child to stop overreacting when you cook them hash browns instead of ordering food.

How did you even come to this conclusion? πŸ’€

Mature Student GCSE

You are being given a ride to prom? Man, some families dont even have cars.


Capricorns, they oppose cancer which is the emotional sign

Intermediate Astrologer

Charts can be complex, I can read your chart, but is there anything specific you would like to know about yourself personality wise?

Intermediate Astrologer

Your mother may need to find a different astrologer. Astrology cannot predict the future to my knowledge, but it can estimate how it may turn out. (For example, it's cancer season now so I estimate that more people will be emotional)

Based on your chart, I can say you have placements that indicate the desire to "run away". You have an Anaretic sun conjunct uranus in Aquarius which can indicate an identity crisis.

You also have south node conjunct pluto in Saggitarius which loves freedom and chaos, often ascosiating freedom with chaos. Furthermore, saturn square venus often means you often run away from relationships frequently

You do have a exalted moon in Taurus trine an exalted jupiter which means you deal with your emotions well and can navigate them with calmness and excellancy. You would make an excellent therapist or negotiator because of this trine.

Intermediate Astrologer

Firstly, I just wanted to say you are not alone, relationships are something that most of this generation (myself included) have really struggled to find and keep.

You have placements in your chart that say you have experienced many upheavals in your life. These indicators are

Pluto trine sun Moon conjunct uranus Pluto opposing saturn

These placements show that you are are able to navigate chaotic and ever changing situations in a brave and courageous way. The Aries sun enhances this, making you more able to take action when other people may not have the guts to do so.

There is a tendancy to rebel or fight against social structures that do not align with your beliefs, you definately have the power to do this, but also overreact frequently.

You have a venus ruled ascendant with venus on the ascendant which tells me that you have a strong desire for physcial affection and it takes up most of who you are, but you also over indulge frequently from comfort foods and situations that keep you comfortable.


This is a good question, it depends on Uranus and Pluto.

If uranus aspects pluto positively these changes will likely happen very quickly, if negatively they will still happen quickly, but in a self sabotage kind of way.

Speakimg from personal experience (born in 1999-2000), uranus on the SN in aquarius (sextile pluto) makes a square to my scorpio sun and taurus moon opposition. Lost 5 stone within 4 months rather suddenly and unexpectedly without really formulating a plan and went from 10 hours a day of gaming to 0 game time in 2 years straight...

I would say, Aquarius and Scorpio placements, especially squares, maybe a dignified mars too can result in sudden changes at the most optimal.

This is not a self pity or validation post either, I just wanted to answer OP's question as best I could πŸ˜…


Cancer is one of the more underrated signs when it comes to being represented as extroverted, social, energetic and brave. They don't have that kind of reputation and are seen more as introverted cry babies.

The moon represents emotions, initial instincts and gut reactions while cardianal energy is about taking forward action and starting fights. Cancers are more suited when people describe Scorpios in most situations. Moon rulerships are NOT to be messed with.

For example, a Cancer sun and mars with a scorpio moon trine is arguable one of the most likely to be a dangerous person. I am not sure if it is 100% true but as far as planets go, a scorpio sun and mars with cancer moon seems far more peaceful.

Coming from personal experience, it's not worth it. πŸ˜”

I have spent time getting to know people who have acted this way. They seem really interested in you as a person with very obvious flirting, then when you ask them out, they say you are not their type (which can be really specific) or that they have a boyfriend. πŸ’”

The good thing is that I usually find this out rather quickly. Rather than having a "friendship" for months on end and developing a false sense of connection, I can have peace of mind knowing where things stand between me and the other person.

For you OP, find someone who responds the same day, who is willing to make time for you and support you. πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§


I know, I spend more time viewing r/scorpio as an alternative for astrology posts. Questions like: what sign was the best in bed? Then they list every sign and compare them, is why I spend less time on this sub reddit. πŸ˜”


Oh, I don't really follow those ideologies either (communites for red pill/black pill). I know they exist but it's not a healthy outlook to have when men and women dislike each other so much.

Blame dating apps, because real life isn't a dating app and real relationships are found offline where people can form real connections. That is hard these days, yes, but being a better person and not blaming yourself or others for it is the way to go! πŸ’ͺ


Hey fellow Scorpio πŸ‘‹

I strongly dislike how hook up cuture has really ruined people's mental health. Sex is always going to involve an emotional connection, otherwise it is just a form of lust and control over the other person.

I always am going to stand by the idea that loving 1 person a million times over will be more meaningul and fulfilling than 100 different people once.

As a soon to be qualified personal trainer, heres my advice to you (and anyone else reading)

The brain creates new pathways that ascosiate exercise with addiction. After a few months of regular training you will start to feel withdrawls if you stop doing it. Which forces you to keep doing it to be honest, it's one of the better addictions to have.

To develop a consistent exercise routine you have to find what motivates you to begin with. This will be different for everyone. Some people are motivated by becoming attractive for their preferred sex, some by the fear of growing old, others by loss of family and so on. I don't know what your motivations are but thats a good place to start; analyse them. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

If you have a busy schedule, find 20 minutes a day to do 250 star jumps at a room in your house if you don't have time to go outdoors or at a gym. Then jog on the spot continuously for 10 minutes straight. This has a similar effect to a gym and costs less money and time out of your day.

Best of luck to you! πŸ’ͺ

Intermediate Astrologer

I have been studing astrology for 7 years, mostly out of interest. I do believe you know quite a bit. I want to add a fresh perspective. If it resonates then great, if not, then thats also fine. I am also still learning.

No pluto aspects are positive by nature (in all honesty). Pluto is about control and obsession. It represents the inner motivations we are often ashamed to say out loud. The planets that aspect pluto cannot hide.

Your sun opposing pluto seems interesting, it has a bit of an Aquarius feel to it. It's like the idea of selfhood is completely out of the spotlight for you when it comes to your plutonic motivations.

People may often commit crimes to benefit themselves, their ego, but you have a different type of inner criminal. You will literally be self sacraficing to follow pluto or gain control of a desirable outcome. Picture a person who won't stop until they have dragged themselves down with the person they seek to destroy. Haha πŸ˜…

This seems interesting, considering that you are an Aries sun with mars conjunct jupiter. And Aquarius ascendant. I am curious of where your saturn is placed?

Intermediate Astrologer

Thats because scorpio moons are essentially "stuck in limbo". While taurus moons such as myself feel sunshine and comfort (even in challenging situations), scorpio moons feel darkness and chaos daily, and it fascinates me because I cannot understand it. Even as a scorpio sun/mercury and rising.

Sun opposing pluto seems like a positive placement. Oppositions "agree to disagree" especially when 2 planets are not harmonic it can be beneficial.

It enhances your vitality, but you feel like a robot when it comes to pluto, totally detached from the self when cold blooded. Perhaps you have lots of leo and aquarius themes in your chart, it would not suprise me! πŸ˜…

Intermediate Astrologer

An important placement worth mentioning is sun square pluto, this can make someone more prone to intense conflicts with the self. Scorpio moons are tough, never undermine them (from a taurus moon)


I have a soft spot for Virgos, my nana was one and was the closest person I had in my childhood.

I was friends with a Virgo for over a year and she recently cut contact with me after she said that her family doesn't like me and that I was just a disposable friend. All because of a few disagreements.

They are super critical, but I can't hate them for that. I am a scorpio and I can be just as critical. Outside of that she is a genuinely good person and I will miss her.