To the wonderful women of this subreddit, I need some help!

I have incredibly dry skin on my legs and arms to the point where it’s itchy sometimes, flakes off, and is at times, scaly. I do not have a medical condition related to skin but I am sick of it and now that I am in my 30’s I know I should be treating my skin better. However, r/skincareaddiction recommends using a full body chemical exfoliant and lathering your entire body (damp skin is apparently important) in lotion post-shower. This is simply unrealistic and unachievable for me. Showers are already exhausting and I don’t wash my hair enough as it is. Full body lotion is a sensory nightmare and adding such a lengthy task post-shower is just not doable.

Does anyone have any advice for how I can approach this in a different way? I searched the sub and found a lot of face skincare recs but not full body. Thank you in advance, I really appreciate it.

Edit: Wow, I was really not expecting this level of engagement and I am completely blown away 😭 I am so grateful for all these wonderful suggestions and this was absolutely the best sub to ask for advice on this. Baby oil and shower oil along with shower lotion have been some of the top suggestions so I am going to get on that right away. A revolutionary idea from u/secondhandbanshee who suggested keeping lotion by the toilet specifically - chefs kiss

I decided to remove it from my original post because I thought it was an overshare but I should have left it in hindsight. I have several chronic medical conditions and numerous medications that likely contribute to the dry skin but it is very unlikely (although nothing is impossible) that I have some kind of underlying and unknown medical condition. I recently had numerous full work-ups under a handful of different specialties - my thyroid is well functioning, etc. But I do have an apt next week during which I will bring it up just to be safe. I have never had sensitive skin and I can put virtually anything on it without irritation. I think most of my problem stems from less than ideal hygiene practices (embarrassing to admit) since I rarely have to do anything outside of the house these days and I have been glued to my computer for grad school. So - thank you SO MUCH for all the help. I appreciate all of you so much. I love this sub ♥️