All my periods were more painful back then, but it was 19 years ago so I honestly can’t remember. I don’t think it was any longer or heavier than my others though.

My son’s patient file literally has “MUST LIE DOWN” in big writing up the top for when he gets blood tests. He’s become woozy twice and they will no longer let him do tests sitting up anymore.

I get super AuDHD vibes from her, which makes sense. Mirroring and copying is a form of masking and trying to fit in to the neurotypical world.

Hello fellow Brisbane person. I’m still in shorts and tshirts, but I’m currently carrying about 30-40kgs of extra insulation and running hot. When I was thinner it would be jeans and a jumper weather for sure. I did take the dog out last night though and regretted not putting on my oodie beforehand.

I’m in Australia and that’s currently our daytime temps and it’s winter, and also what we set our aircons to over summer. Sure I’m still in shorts and tshirts every day, but it makes a lovely change from 35-40C temps.

As for the sweating, I don’t know. I sweat a lot too. I don’t wear antiperspirant, because I found that made things worse, and I try and stick to natural fibres where I can. I hate the texture of linen, so usually just 100% cotton. Hair up and off my neck, shorts and tshirts, loose and baggy. If I have to be working outside then I wear fishing shirts that I will wet down periodically. And hydrate hydrate hydrate. Get some electrolytes into you as well.

I have honestly never seen a dishwasher that doesn’t have a pull out filter in the base! I don’t know if they are just standard in Australia and not anywhere else or what, but they literally all have them here.

Oh seriously? That is so weird. Ours is in the base and easily pulls out so you can give it a clean under the tap. Our last dishwasher was the same. No screws, just a twist to unlock and pull.

My husband does this and it drives me mental. Recently I came down with a nasty cold that turned into a good month of hardcore post-viral asthma, laryngitis and bronchitis, so he was doing the dishwasher more often. I keep telling him it’s not a magical box and you have to at least scrape everything for it to clean properly. I was constantly having to run each load again after he’d run it because nothing was clean. And when I finally got around to being able to do it myself again and cleaning the filter, which he also never does, it was dank AF. I could smell it before I even took it out. Like damn dude, at least run it under some hot water before each cycle to remove the crud.

I have home clothes and going out clothes, but it’s mostly because I will without a doubt stain anything I am wearing around the house. Most of my home clothes become home clothes because I forgot to take my going out clothes off and ruined them. I am why I can’t have nice things.

People who wear shoes without socks give me the mega ick. Do their feet just not sweat or what? How are they not getting blisters?

Bedtime anywhere from 6:30pm-9pm. Sometimes I’m tired and just feeling crappy or have a migraine, so I go to bed on the earlier side. But mostly it’s just because I want a decent amount of sleep before I have to get up at 5am.

Also getting up early. Harder at the moment because it’s winter and dark and cold at 5am, but I love getting up early in the summer.

I never loose my keys or wallet. They have a home and it’s habit that as soon as I walk in the door they go to that home.

Adding onto that I am very organised and mentally map things, so usually I can find stuff pretty easily. I like to organise things by type, colour and size. However I live with 3 chaos gremlins (husband and kids, all AuDHD) who couldn’t find their own feet if they had to look for them. They also do not share the same desire for order, so it’s basically me fighting against them to keep order in the house. It’s exhausting. One of them subscribes to the ‘shove, close and pray’ method of organisation/tidying, so it’s always interesting when I sit down with him and go through his drawers. Never know what treasures will be found! He is getting better thankfully, and at least he always knows where his keys are.

In saying that though, my work desk is a mess, as is my bedroom. Currently my work desk is messy because I pulled everything out to use it and didn’t put it away. I still know where everything is though, and when I do put things away they will go back into their nicely organised homes. My bedroom however is a mess because I can’t organise it. We have too much stuff and currently not enough storage space to put it. Part of that is because our house flooded in January and we are waiting on furniture to be replaced still, and part of that is because our house was built in the 70’s when people apparently just didn’t own stuff and therefore didn’t need things like cupboards.

I’m meticulous about being on time. Hate being late, huge anxiety about that, and am almost always 10-15mins early. I plan routes and always give myself time cushions too. Would rather sit in a waiting room or my car than be late.

I’m also AuDHD. I view them as two seperate entities in my head, each with their own personalities. Sometimes they fight, but sometimes they work together in harmony.

Oh what? You just blew my mind because I thought the same as you! Granted I am from a place that will never ever get icy roads.

Yep, my old (like (150yrs+) family home in SA that was owned by my great-grandparents had a cellar. It was creepy as hell. Basically just a room dug into the rock with a set of stairs going down.

Ok, so I grew up around where Crocodile Dundee was filmed. There are an absolutely huge amount of crocs up there. When I was a kid you could swim and canoe and fish in the river and not be too worried. Now, no way would I do that, it’s way too risky. The issue is that they used to cull them way back when but then decided to stop, and now their numbers have increased massively and they are everywhere in the water ways. Google Cahill’s Crossing Crocodiles. Not every river is like that, but it’s a good indication on how many there can be. Someone I went to school with was even taken by one when swimming across a river on a drunken dare. You don’t mess with crocs.

I must be similar area to you, as also north Bris. But like Moreton bay north. It’s the breeze today that is getting me. Bit bloody fresh. I think it’s meant to die down over the day. At least it’s not also raining.

Depends where you go and the season. I’m on the east coast where the climate is subtropical, and even in winter we have bugs. They just tend to move a bit slower and are slightly less annoying in numbers. But as someone who gardens a lot, they’re also actually really easy to avoid. I just douse myself in insect repellant that has DEET and is tropical strength, and wear boots, thick socks and good gloves before I go poking around. Lots of bugs look scary but aren’t aggressive, like huntsman spiders, mud wasps and hornets. You leave them alone and they’ll leave you alone.

I have one, but it’s too full of spiders, snakes, crocodiles and kangaroos to be able to use it. I did once and something bit me and I died, so I don’t anymore.

I mean, we have Outback Steakhouse here too. I’ve never been, but there is one like 20mins away from me.

How bloody cold did it get? I’m in Brisbane and going to the broncos game tonight and wondering if I’ll regret not putting on my thermals under my jeans and jersey.

You want a burger with the works. That has lettuce, tomato, onion, egg, bacon, beef patty (or steak if it’s a steak works burger), pineapple, cheese and beetroot, and usually a bbq or tomato sauce. But it’s a sweet bbq sauce, not a Smokey one. I usually get a works burger without the egg and bacon. And it will get soggy and fall apart as you eat it, and you will practically have to dislocate your jaw to take a bite.

Also that seasons, especially winter, look different depending on where in the world you are. Expanding on that, people don’t seem to realise just how diverse the climate and landscape in Australia is depending on where in the country you are, because they can’t comprehend how big of a land mass we actually are.

For example, we do get snow in Australia, just only in certain parts. Not all of Australia is hot, or dry, or tropical, or desert, or bush. In some places seasonal changes are more obvious in the landscape, with a larger number of deciduous plants that do change colour and lose their leaves. Other places have more evergreen plants so the landscape looks pretty much the same year round, or seasons are marked more by what’s flowering at the time (jacarandas in summer, etc). Or it’s just desert that looks like desert. Even areas of the same state will look very different depending on where you are in that state, and that east and west coasts also differ greatly.