Can you look into renting a room or getting some roommates? Check facebook market place or Craigslist 

Is it open to the public? I couldn't find anything about pool access on thier website

Have you considered that she acused you of lying because whatever you did to clean didn't get the job done? 

Let me give you an example, me and a prior roommate took turns cleaning the bathroom. When I clean I: take out the trash, sweep the floor and mop if dirty, shake out the bath mat and wash if dirty, clean the hand towels, fill the soap dispenser, clean the mirror and sink, clean the tub, clean the toilet

When he cleaned he seems to have: cleaned the inside of the toilet bowl, wiped the sink, and smeared the mirror? It still seemed really dirty. Even though he said he took his turn cleaning the bathroom, to me it didn't really seem like he did because it never looked clean after his turn. Is it possible something like this is happening with you and your roommate? 

If you haven't been doing your fair share for a while resentment and anger is going to build up. Start doing your fair share, show actions instead of empty words, and eventually things will cool off. Just because you apologized doesn't mean that earases all the extra effort they have had to put towards covering for you. You created these bad vibes so just deal for now. Maybe offer to do some extra cleaning as an actual apology. Are you checking to make sure things get cleaned when you do cleaning or are you just going through the motions in a half assed way? There is more to maintaining a living environment then dishes. You aren't 12, you are an adult, do better. Thier anger is justified. 

Get into audiobooks instead of drinking. Put on a good story, exist in someone else's head, and go on a walk with this nice distraction. Hang in there OP!

Keep yourself safe. Your life matters. You matter. Trust your instincts here. Untreated bipolar disorder can get worse over time. Last time I saw my father in person he tried to strangle me because I was trying to convince him that he needed treatment. I looked into his eyes and I really don't think he even recognized me or knew what he was doing. I don't know about you, but I feel like I was raised to forget myself to cater to his problems. His problems always seemed so big that I ended up shrinking my self to accommodate his never ending needs. I don't know about you and your dynamic with him, but I feel like those of us who were raised by a person like that can have an extra hard challenge in dealing with this. Do what you need to do to stay safe and take care of yourself. If the person who should care about these things, your father, can't be trusted to do so you, you need to be extra vigilant to make sure you don't forget yourself. Make sure you have a safe space to retreat to. Make sure you have your own support system and people on your side.

Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Always leave space for yourself. His life is not more important then yours. Make sure you have support for yourself. Keep boundaries, maybe don't tell him where you live. Just because he is your father doesn't mean he won't hurt you when manic. 

The Rec Center. South or East might be closest depending on which part of table mesa. If you make 55k or less a year you can have free membership after filling out a financial aid application. 

I've found I can cycle breafasts. Maybe you will start liking it again in a year or two.

The American Chronic Pain Association offers free support groups I'm finding it helpful, so I thought I'd share. 

Though I tend to like top down in each room, but do the foors all at once. I just want to prepare a mop bucket one time and do the mopping all at once at the end. 

It sounds like you are doing the right things, just keep going. My lifestyle way really unhealthy at the time my migraines came back and like I said, childhood trauma caught up to me and stopped things until I've taken time to learn how to process and get support. I bet you now know how to treat migraines more effectively then before right? That's also an advantage. When my migraines got bad I didn't have any prescription abortives or know any other methods for treatment besides excedrine. Being educated about how to best treat them is a huge advantage for keeping them from going back to chronic again someday. 

Not until several years later. Unfortunately migraines are for life, it's the way our brains and nervous systems are wired. They may stay episodic for you now though. Take this as your sign to maintain a healthy lifestyle though: keep in shape, get that good sleep, get vacinated, eat well, don't ignore other health problems because they can later creep up and become migraine triggers. Maintain good posture and flexibility because text neck can turn into a trigger(look up some youtube videos for stretching exercises to resolve this). I think my current migraines are connected to posture(neck strain pinching nerve) and mental health. I had a rough childhood and never learned how to process my emotions in a healthy way, so things built up for years and ate away at me from the inside out. I'm in therapy now and that's one of the things that's helping. 

I second this! My migraines were really bad in my early twenties and went away completely for a couple of years after I got my wisdom teeth removed. 

I would love an ap that can help me learn and practice spelling. Something simple.

And when the library sank back into the desert 😭