I think this is more typical than imagined. It happens with dementia and regular aging too. We’ve had discussions together and with our kids on the subject and set some limits, but the truth is my husband would do things behind our backs just to prove something to himself. There’s only so much you can do when it’s an adult.

ETA: notice the “allows him” language. Things are more complicated than that.

I’m afraid for many institutions also - education not the least of them…

Yes, and no. There were many good years and it didn’t matter for a long time. But now it does. Parkinson’s hit and dementia. Now I’m a caretaker and too young to be living this old.

The man who wanted to shoot protesters is definitely going to go ahead and shoot protesters if he gets another chance in light of today’s ruling. And I have no doubt after what I’ve seen that the police force will trade rubber bullets for live ammo if directed to. It might be a worse case scenario, but I’ve seen some unbelievable shit happen a lot in recent years.

Exactly. The first time around they didn’t expect it and didn’t know what they were doing 1/2 the time. This time the have an explicit plan and now the immunity to do anything they want. But, it not just trump, 2025 will turn into 2029 and this scotus has f*cked our future for generations

I’m in WA state/ Seattle area. I know for certain there will be a place for you here and people to fight with you. There will be progressive states and people that will always support you and anyone else loosing civil rights. Remember: we are the majority. The majority of the American population does not support this and never will. We’ve fought before. We’ll fight again. We’re on the right side in this case and progress always happens over time (albeit slowly and sporadically).

E to correct word

He is literally now the only human that can put a stop to this. And he can do so with immunity. The more I think on this, the more I’m certain this is now at red alert / imminent threat level to democracy. Something must be done - bc the gop as it is right now would mean that any republican near the Oval Office will take us down.

The ruling literally put the justice department firmly in the hands of the executive office with immunity and in a worse case scenario that means a president can use federal law enforcement in any way - even to act against his own citizens. Would it really be a leap to suggest that law enforcement as a whole would be willing to act after what we’ve seen already??

Yes he could, but the thing about grampa Biden is - he has ethics. The one they’re trying to protect wanted his own VP hanged.

Edit to correct

Yes. In the dissent from Justice Sotomayor

“Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

I see one man who’s been fit for office and served many years but should’ve given up the keys months ago and the other who should’ve never been allowed anywhere near government and is a danger to society. A slug could run against trump and be a safer choice.