Just as the title says. Husband called me a bitch for “not giving him sex.”

It was 2am, I was getting ready for bed after dozing off on the sofa when suddenly he decided he wants sex. I was tired, not in the mood so I said no. He then said I was a bitch for not giving it to him and went to bed.

I need to add that he wants it ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!! And at most inappropriate times. I’m in the kitchen making lunch and he comes in, grabs my boobs or puts his hand between my legs. He’s all over me all the damn time. It’s so annoying and off putting. He wants it the moment he wakes up, even before I had a chance to make breakfast for our 4yo twins. He is willing to send them out of the room and make them wait until we’re done. If I complain he gets mad, says it’s my duty as a wife. Jokingly, of course but I still feel cheap and disrespected.

It’s almost 2pm right now, he’s still sleeping while I take care of the kids and the house. I’m already exhausted.

Don’t know what I’m expecting from posting this on Reddit though. Just wanting I guess.

EDIT: Holy cow! I never thought this would blow up as much as it did! I’ll try and reply as much as I can, as soon as possible.