Eleanor Rose / Elizabeth Rose. Both have a lot of nicknames, so there's a lot of flex for matching personality, and phases as she grows up.

And just to throw in the girl name I wanted but had no girls, Tessa.

I don't recall and can't imagine the teachers at my daycare ever yelling unless it was like a dangerous situation.

I changed my older kid's daycare right around when the baby was born. They get through it. Especially if he goes to a place with a healthier and happier atmosphere and reachers.

I always say Seen Bean or Shawn Bawn. He can only have one.

You've made your points already. Not knowing the type of midwife and experience level, I'd maybe just ask what her plan is for IF things go wrong? Stress that you think everything will be good, but that to reduce stress and panic, there should be a list of emergency criteria and a plan.

A friend just did this today. She had a list of several criteria that would result in the drive to the hospital.

I'm in cobb, detached house and our bill rarely goes over $200. No experience with Fulton County rates.

As an HVAC industry person, does your building have bad insulation? Is it an older building, or exposed brick on an outside wall? Have you asked other people in your building?

Honestly I think this is an old person thing, talking about all the more boring details of life. Then you can't just leave it there, you have to discuss it. I think it takes effort to stop it from happening. Shes probably pretty bored. Remember to enjoy the good part of having her there too, ask your wife to ask her mom to let you have some privacy and freedom, youre getting your work done, youre a gronup, its all good. And if mom continues to report, just not then ask you about every little thing.

I'm getting older and seeing it from friends and acquaintances. It's annoying.

Yeah, I'd be more interested if it was part time work, but the kids were still full time some days so that I had a couple dedicated hours, a couple times a week to do household stuff. Or get a service?

I would not want to work with my spouse. He's great, but I like getting away from home, just like I like getting away from work.

Agree. If he's otherwise great, this seems out of character.

In the meantime, set up your shifts so he gets 8 hours? Is it 8 hours and magic or if his 8 hours ends at 2 am, does it not work?

Agree. I lost weight way too fast with my first. Not eating enough and making a lot of breast milk. It took a long time to recover. I lost a lot of muscle mass, which was why it was so tough to come back. Lots of protein and fat.

I use MyNetDiary app for the other reason, but I think you can manipulate it to add in breastfeeding. But it tracks all the protein, fat, fiber etc from the food you log.

Seems to almost always be the end of the relationship. Better to jump to the breakup while keeping your boundary.

NTA As long as your wife was not hurt by it. Because it is infuriating that her family who censured her for this, now wants favors. And asking/bringing it up at her shower shows absolutely zero consideration and joy for her. This is your wife's (and your) time.

He needs to see, if she is willing to keep trying, that everything is on emergency status now, no bachelor parties, checking with her on their after work and weekend time. If he says he's doing something, he does it.

Pretty sure my coworkers were the same. One of our admins isn't quite on maternity, she working remote for the last couple weeks. Wouldn't surprise me if the bosses were very very accomodating of that.

Still remember when I went in to ask about a pumping area and one of them practically covered his ears, just couldn't tell me fast enough to set it up with the lady in admin/HR.

I adore Heather Guerre and this a side character, not the MMC, but Harry Lance makes me laugh every time.

It would be difficult. I'd want some conformation he liked my personality and lifestyle and the rest of the package. But yeah, it will likely be weird around friends and acquaintances of him who are first just going to see his latest Asian gf.

They're all good names. If you wait until you see them, there's no wrong choice here.

Other systems have confused me, multiple parties that end up having to align and work together to get the necessary majority, but honestly at this point, them being forced to work together would be a huge benefit.

2 parties is just too two dimensional. Life is way more complicated than that.

Imagine when your parents experience a president younger than YOU.

I've never understood the prolife stance. Choosing to keep a pregnancy is a huge thing. If you're raising the child, it's a minimum 20 year commitment and most likely a lifelong commitment. Even if you're giving it up for adoption, the pregnancy is a huge commitment, the pregnancy can take years to recover from or be a big medical risk.

I'm over 50. My sister is over 40 and having fertility issues. I thought about it (she did not ask), and I cannot offer to help. My other pregnancies were easy, getting pregnant and carrying, but my deliveries are still ranked as my most traumatic life experiences. Csections both time. One baby in NICU. Sky high blood pressure during delivery and after. Took years for my body and health to recover. And I'm over 50 now- recovering from a muscle pull is iffy at this point, I can't imagine another pregnancy/delivery would take me out. And on some level, I'd view that baby as mine. I love my sister. She would be a great mom. But I'm possessive and I'd probably annoy the shit out of her checking on this other baby and her care of it.

Also I got ticked enough when they called it a geriatric pregnancy at 37. They probably have a worse name for it at 50+. Cryptid?

If you stay, it's just asking every Monday at 9 am for your pay. And maybe just mentioning it at some point, like hey, I hope my reminding you every week doesn't annoy you, but we have our budget set up for weekly pay so I will remind. (A d I'd say remind, not ask.)

Marietta has a good show. Atlanta, if you don't hate big crowds, has the Marta advantage, which will be crowded but not as bad as the parking nightmare after the fireworks are over, Marietta or downtown.

Being a parent for the last 20 years, people sometimes have odd relationships with their kids. Like telling them every thought in their head, that the kids than blab everywhere because kids are kids. And it's frequently their racist, misogynist, bitter thoughts that should have stayed in their head because when they do come out, the people tend to feel like they have to defend their idiocy rather than admit to themselves and their kid, that they fucked up.

She was your friend. People screw up. You (hopefully) told her at the time it was not right, and now she did it again. To me, it's weird to cut someone off for one mistake, especially one that has a plausible excuse. This is very different, and she should have known better. Doubling down and being an ass about it instead of apologizing profusely and feeling bad, is just as big an issue.