Please get checked out by a doctor if suddenly you've been napping for hours after work, hopefully it's nothing and I'm a stranger overreacting!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this, then I realized he meant putting his fingers in his mouth to make that loud sharp whistle lol

Please check out and look for the Informer tshirt, I laughed so hard while adding to cart!

"Certified Master Blaster" is the coolest title I have heard, and now I wanna be one too.

He is a piece of shit and you deserve so much better. He never comforted you? Ask if you are Ok while you were crying? This man sees you as an object, you deserve to be seen for you and loved accordingly.

I spent 13 years like this. Had 3 kids. He's not joking. He does not respect you. He is sexually assaulting you and saying it's his right. Your kids see this. My Dad did this to my Mom .. I hated it. And hated even more I fell into the same role. Get out and find your peace and worth!!

Team Blue!

My Aunt named my cousin Andrew. She swore no one would call him Drew, she hated it. Andrew is now 32, the family all call him Andrew still but all his friends and coworkers call him Drew. We tease my Aunt but she just says it's not the same.. this is her Drew and she likes him lol It can be done, he can be Christopher to you and your family!

Corn. Especially corn on the cob. It looks like one of the most fun foods! Special Lil holders... toppings. But I hate it. Every year I try it and without fail I wanna throw up the minute it touches my teeth. The smell, the taste.. why corn?! Why?

You know what you need to do. But I think you forgot that you are worth doing it! You are worth a man who will be there for you when you need him, this man is lining his pockets for his future. Run, run now and remember your worth!!

Team Blue!

Aw little Mama, I am so sorry. My ex-husband was like that from the get go. I stayed and tried and had 3 kids with him. He never got better, in fact lazier as they keep getting away with it.

Have a serious talk with him and lay it all out. A good man will feel terrible and apologize, an asshat will gaslight you and make you feel badly.

You and this baby deserve happiness, and I hope you find it either way!!

Team Blue!

Get the tape!! My 3rd son wrecked my body lol I had to go to physio twice a week to be taped up. They did my lower back and my belly. It was heavenly!! Baby turned out to be 10lbs too

Thank you, it was a lot of craziness and a lot of happening all at once so I understand the overwhelmingness of it all and the heart break. Give her a big squeeze and tell her this stranger is cheering her on!!

My Ex-husband was jealous of how much time I was spending with a newborn and not him. But sure, women are the emotional ones.

Glioblastoma can be so very cruel, I hope she kicks its ass!!

I was beside my fiance for 3 1/2 years while he fought it. If you have any questions or wanna vent feel free to reach out!

After my fiance's first surgery his head swelled so badly. He also had a potassium dump the second night and ended up having a horrible seizure. After about a week the swelling had gone down a lot but on his left side it would bounce and jiggle when he moved, he also mentioned the water sound.

Lie ... people just be saying stuff like its true .. and if you say it with authority people believe it!

I can't stop thinking about this! I don't think you know just how accurate it actually could be... I kinda stumble into tiny winnings like this a lot.. silly little free stuff, small winnings of money, finding small treasures.. I'd like to think I have a lucky disheveled Grandma following me around and revelling in my happiness!

Cigarette vending machines always remind me of tripping on Acid in a coffee shop in 1994.... watched the Christmas Tree dance across the floor, stood up said "That tree just danced, I should probably leave" walked towards the exit and as I was passing the cigarette machine I pulled each knob and a pack of smokes fell out each time. I walked out hysterically laughing with 9 different packs of smokes.

Team Blue!

I just want to add to all the great advice get a separation agreement ASAP, if he is choosing his Mom over you things may get messy with baby. Having it legally drawn up that you get sole custody will save you down the road. I am so sorry you are dealing with this right now

Team Blue!

Please leave. No one who values you as a person would never talk to you like that. Would you want someone talking to your child like that? He will. Leave, run. Do it now. You can do this on your own...cause if you stay it will be 2 children you are raising.

I did the Rockland to St Vincent trip many times the last couple months as well. What should be an easy drive seems like Russian roulette every time!!

I hope you continue having safe travels and I hope your wife is doing well!

Welcome to Ottawa. I moved here from Toronto years ago. Invest in good boots and a very warm jacket, the Winters here are so different! More snow, more cold.. just more of all the Yuck! But they have a lot of very fun outdoor activities here to make it more bearable!

Team Blue!

When I had my first son in 2005 there was about 25 people in the waiting room. I had no idea, I knew a few people were there. After the baby was born my husband took him out for a quick look at the baby (no one held him) and they all went home right after. I only knew afterwards when I saw the pictures. It was so sweet to know they were all excited and worried and wanted to be close, but they kept it quiet and respectful so not to distract me.

RED MAKES ME SOOO ANGRY! And certain shades of green can suck my left tit (I have no dick and probably can't make one!). Fuck orange too.. except every now and then it's ok, I can't tell you why.. but that one thing in orange can be acceptable. It doesn't make sense, I don't make sense, but colours and I are at a constant war.