It’s happened again. I’m existing (poorly) in my shut-in, prey animal, survival mode, Groundhog Day loop. It’s been… maybe a few months now. I wake up to sit at the desk and log on for work. Self-care is a daily shower. Meals are mostly protein shakes. I leave the house a couple times a month to pick up my prescription or see my therapist. I haven’t seen a friend in months. Music lacks flavour. All hobbies seem exhausting. The future will come but I have no part in it.

Time is only observed by the nails on my fingers growing out, and the work deadlines that are becoming harder to keep up with. I’ve been ill for the last month. My immune system is shot. The mask is slipping. The bubbly voice isn’t disguising it anymore. People are asking if I’m “really okay”. The rational part of my brain that I can access says “we’ve been in the loop before plenty of times and we got out”.

Please can someone help me with some small things I can do to build momentum to get out? I want better for myself.