Neither my MoH and I grew up in privilege but we both work in high paying fields now. Not all my friends are doing the same.

My MoH is in every way an amazing friend and has been hard at work coming up with bachelorette ideas that I would love. I feel a little guilty being lukewarm on some of her initial ideas. She recently calls me with a new idea and I think it sounds amazing and we both get very excited. She sends me some hotel options and that’s when it hits me: just to get there and stay for a weekend- before any activities- would be like $700 per person.

To be clear, this is something I would love to do with my MoH and any mutual friends but I feel so conflicted asking other friends who don’t know anyone but me to come on a trip that’s potentially a large financial burden basically for me. On the one hand, I’d have no problem if they decline, but I feel like if I were in that situation, I would begrudgingly opt in if it’s for my good friend. And while I’m willing to do that, I’m not comfortable putting someone else in that situation.

Has anyone else navigated a bachelorette party with friends at different income brackets? Any suggestions on what to do?