for reference, i’m a 5’1 female and not to sound like pick me and stuff but i have really small hands and i really want to learn bass but im worried it’ll be really hard. i’ve tried to learn acoustic guitar but i found it hard to reach certain chords due to my fingers being to short to reach a certain fret, string, etc. i had the intent of learning bass in the first place but i was gifted an acoustic guitar so i thought id just try that first which i soon found out that i wasn’t the biggest fan it was just really uncomfortable to play. i think bass would be better since rather than chords it’s just certain notes but i haven’t had any experience with playing bass so i really don’t know. im concerned that because bass guitars have a longer neck and wider frets it’ll be even harder but like i said before, i really don’t know because i don’t know any bass players and have never tried to play bass. so if you play bass and have small hands, how do you find it and would you recommend it?