I used to love In-N-Out, still get it on road trips, but I gotta be real about two things:

Their fries suck. They are fucking awful. Worst fries in the biz, hands down. The only way they're even "okay" is if you get them animal style.

The other thing I really dislike about In-N-Out is it stinks. Literally. If I have a bag of food from there in my car for FIVE MINUTES I know I'm going to smell that same food every time I get in the car for the next five days. It's absurd. I don't understand it.

But damnit if they don't make a tasty fresh burger for under five bucks.

Your wife is out of her mind.

Her selfish desire to live out some twinmom fantasy will not only wreak havoc on both your children's mental health, but will conpletely ruin their relationships with both parents (you won't get off the hook by saying you tried to talk her out of it). Not only that, the trust issues they will develop as a result may very well turn them into abusers or at the very least dysfunctional partners for most of their lives.

Do not let her do this.

Your vote matters every time, even if you don't cast it.

Isn't pedophilia also a felony? Honest question, because now I'm worried that it's not and it definitely should be.

Everyone and everything if fair game in art.

I remember when Eminem was one of the first and few outspoken celebrities in support of gay marriage.

I know this sounds fucked up, but hear me out:

If you think you are having a heart attack call 911 and get an ambulance ride

Yes, it costs a lot. Who gives a shit if you might die anyway? EMTs can check you out en route, if it is serious you are getting immediate care and attention. If it isn't serious then you're alive and that alone is worth the outrageous cost of the ride.

America's health care system is beyond broken. It's bonkers. But take care of yourself, no matter the cost.

Careful. This could very likely be the speech they try to normalize. We can speculate all day about what flavor of crazy will come from this, but we don't need to help inspire that nonsense.

Make sure you tell him you'll do this at every family function. Keep the dread engine running.

Wait are you talking about Donald or President Biden?

The left wants punishment for crimes commited. Isn't that what everyone should want?

Maybe Jimbledon will meet a nice Jeffica and they can have a bunch of Jerrible children together.

Companies. Are. Not. People.

Many companies could not function with less than a billion dollars. We're taking about billionaires in this thread. As in people.

Now if your company is valued at like 500 billion and you, as CEO, have over a billion in personal wealth, then yes, you should be paying an extreme wealth tax of some sort.

It's for idiots who fall for simple marketing tricks, and idiots who think you need to look tough while drinking water.

It's also an odd name choice given that it's actually life that the liquid provides, not death.

Neat. Care to elaborate on that empty statement?

I only use credit cards to pay for things, and that's the bank's money. They always take care of things when fraud happens. And if they stop, I close the account. Way easier than stressing about every annual major data leak.

I'm honestly exhausted from trying (in vain) to protect my digital self. The companies who get hacked never see any real consequences and neither do I, so why stress about it?

I change my passwords regularly, connect to ethernet whenever possible, and use 2FA at every opportunity. Maybe I could do more, but what's the point when every Megadouchecorp eventually gets hacked and my data gets compromised over and over again?

Who gives a fuck? My info is all over the place from various other high profile hacks. My credit card company will reimburse me for any fraudulent charges.

This has literally no effect on me.

Also fuck ticketmaster / livenation.

Ngl, years ago I thought he was pretty savvy, at least in a business and technological sense.

Every sentence I read now makes me nervous that he has this much money and influence.

My last apartment complex had stray cats that would just shit in my planters and piss on my front door. I filled a spray bottle with vinegar and would regularly aim for the eyes. They would always come back.

We city folk understand, friend. Some animals are just douchebags.

When I want to be passive aggressive I'll just type one word like "neat."

A thumbs up is an easy way to confirm plans or acknowledge a text without adding anything further. Interchangeable with "okay". If you want to get bothered by it that's on you. I don't even think about it.

Joe Rogan. Started leaning hard into dumb anti mask shit and I tuned out. I still love what he's done for standup comedy (building the mothership) but his podcast has lost a lot of value to me.

No they aren't. Credit cards are in general way more beneficial for poor people. You can:

-build credit (useful in many areas of life)
-take advantage of introductory reward offers ($$$)
-earn cashback points for future purchases
-enjoy benefits such as but not limited to: roadside assistance, fraud protection, trip cancellations, discounts with various online retailers
-pay off debts interest free with 0% introductory interest offers

Of course, not every card offers ALL these benefits, but there are NO debit cards that offer any of these perks as far as I'm aware.

Credit cards are better and safer than payday loans, or any other loan for that matter. You can shop around on the Nerd Wallet or The Points Guy websites for a card that suits your needs and credit score. I highly recommend it.

Edit: thought I'd add that I grew up poor and credit cards helped me both climb out of poverty (overdraft fees), learn responsible money management, and navigate brief but stressful periods of unemployment.

She is fucking stupid, and if she were my girlfriend, should wouldn't be any longer after a stunt like that.

...of course, I'd wait until we were far away from those guns to tell her that.