
I bake purely as a hobby, but a few months ago a family friend insisted on ā€œhiring meā€ to make sugar cookies for her daughterā€™s bridal shower. She told me the theme was lemon and let me know what colors she wanted, but beyond that told me I could do whatever I liked. I recommended she hire a local bakery near us for the job, but she was very excited and wouldnā€™t take no for an answer, so I hesitantly agreed. The party is tomorrow and I made the cookies in the first picture two days ago so the icing would have plenty of time to set, but itā€™s been nearly 100 degrees and humid every day this week and we live in an old house with bad air circulation. I used the same icing recipe I always do (normal results in the second photo) but either I royally (šŸ˜­) fucked up or the temperature is ruining the texture. Either way, please send help. Sheā€™s coming to pick up tomorrow and I spent several days making, baking, and decorating 5 dozen cookies for her that look like this and Iā€™m so embarrassed šŸ˜­ I donā€™t think I have time to scrape and redo them all at my crappy amateur decorating level, but if I pulled an all nighter and gave it a hail mary would they set? Or if heat/humidity are the problem would that be even worse? For reference, my partner did a test for quality control and said theyā€™re very yummy, but I am still freaked out. Any advice appreciated.