I’ll probably pick it up now that I’m not worried about motion sickness anymore.

The only game I can think of is Raccoon Lagoon. I haven’t played it myself so I have no idea if it’s any good. I was gonna get it back when I first got VR but passed because I think it only had smooth locomotion and I didn’t have my vr legs yet.


That’s the page for the app. There’s a guide on there that shows you how to get every thing set up. It’s not too terribly complicated to do.

It’s a great app for any older Quest games that haven’t had Q3 updates.

They just consider eating healthy to mean buying shitty “organic” microwaved food instead of shitty regular microwaved food.

Can you order an iced coffee with no ice?

I would never eat plain cheese pizza. I put fries and ketchup on mine.

It gets worse. There’s a bunch of posts where they are looking for people to do father daughter incest role play.

Well I guess it depends on what exactly you want it for. If it’s just to keep your bedroom cool when you are sleeping then a small one only costs a couple hundred bucks and can easily be installed yourself unless you have non standard windows that don’t open by sliding up and down. If you are in an average sized apartment and want to cool your whole place you should be able to find one for around 500-600 dollars that will be good enough to keep your place at a comfortable temperature.

If you don’t have typical windows you can always get a portable one that will also work with horizontal windows and even sliding doors but they tend to cost a bit more. Single hose portable units cause negative air pressure which ends up sucking in hot air from outside or other rooms but they still work OK for something like a bedroom but they aren’t very efficient. Dual hose portable units will prevent the negative pressure issue but are a bit more expensive and are more difficult to find. The best thing about them is that you can move them from room to room.

If you have a large house things are a bit more difficult but at least you could keep a bedroom cool at night for only a couple hundred dollars.

If you have a Q3 I highly recommend getting Quest Games Optimizer and using the HD mode for Real Fishing. It helps significantly with the jagged lines in the waves.

Would a 2 hose portable unit work? They don’t create negative air pressure.

There has been some pretty hot days the last couple weeks on the east coast. It even hit 40 a couple times with the humidity.

95 percent better is still an absolute nightmare.

They have significant overlap and it’s common to have both.

That place is such a circle jerk that one of there main bannable offences is having a non conservative viewpoint. That was my actual reason for being banned.

I’m quite capable of reading research papers and have spent quite a bit of time reading them both for school and for fun. Randi was primarily an entertainer who had the personality of a trash reality TV host and his tests were done with that in mind. He had zero scientific or academic background. It’s kind of funny that you would use him as an example and then question my ability to read a scientific paper.

The PEI government made it quite clear that they have no interest in renters rights when they refused to set up a rental registry. It’s would also be incredibly simple to catch landlords by randomly reviewing records. The government can easily find out how much rent is supposed to be.