Eyes of the beholder. Brings you joy! Then it's a treasure.

Ok, look what you did.... I wasn’t going to get another dog and then I look in her eyes. Ugh! Time to puppy proof- the house.

I hate to admit, but my beagle would clean up after my toddler's high chair. I would wash the tray, but my floor was spotless. That dog saved me a lot of time.

I would hold.... Hopefully you dont need the money.

I would also write a letter to the clinic. Expressing your concerns.

Gets better as they get older. My dog always slept in an open-door crate. She was not allowed upstairs, mainly because she "chomped" my son's toys and destroyed my shoes. (but she would still sneak up once in a while when we werent home lol).
I think if you are planning on traveling, it makes it easier to find people to watch if the dog is crate trained.

And huge! The first pair of rats I owned freaked me out.

You have kids! Keep the money in a safe place. It’s onky asmart move if they benefit from it.

Your daughter deserves a stable good life. Fighting will end up hurting her. I would see a therapist to help you on the best approach focus on your daughter and be the best father.
Good luck.

Lordy- everyone has so many stories. Opening refrigerators and eating a whole meatloaf

Exhausted puppies are well behaved- playing with other puppies. Lots of mentally food games.

Smart hounds, but they work their way into your heart. Be prepared for the best friend Ever. I am jealous.

Chucky cat- might have a owner. But welcome to come visit anytime!!

Watching closely- you can see one of the dog cutting off the white dog that might be getting a little too moody. I call these dogs the peace makers.