A few obvious facts:

  1. Whenever Trump has been asked to quote the Bible, he refuses. He claims "It is personal". That is %100 grade A bullshit. Have you EVER encountered a Christian that didn't quote the Bible before him doing that? I grew up in Southern Baptist - Jerry Falwell - Old Time Gospel Hour - the Moral Majority. You know who I'm talking about. I NEVER seen it. Ever. To this day I've never seen it before Trump. EDIT: It is a REAL Christian who would ALWAYS quote the Bible. Remember - he CLAIMS to read it all the time. Well then, he should be able to quote it then.
  2. I bet if you offered $5000 in cash to give to his campaign and all he had to do was quote the Bible, say 5 verses, he would refuse. Reason - he NEVER reads it.
  3. Have you EVER seen a picture of him praying by himself? It doesn't exist.
  4. A full blown narcissist can't be a TRUE Christian. To do so means saying God is better than him. His ego won't let him do that. He sees religion as simply as a tool to control others so he can get what he wants.
  5. A person who claims to be a christian and TRUE christian are two different things.

If you REALLY wanted to put Donald in a spot - you do this at one of his rallies:

You get near the front and when he is talking, yell out asking him to quote the Bible. Say he is their Christian leader and you want guidance on his favorite Bible verses. When he refuses, (and he will) start saying "Why are you afraid to quote the Bible? You are our spiritual leader! Please quote the Bible! (and other nonsense like that). If you can get the audience to chant saying for him to quote the Bible, that would really do a number on him.

The point here is you are catching him in one of his lies in front of everyone, he can't say no without pissing off his audience. If anything when they will start chant, he is now in a position that he either has to pony up, or they call bullshit.