My friends and I (5xM30's) all took a long weekend trip together to a cottage rental. One of the guys went to the grocery store and bought more food than we needed. When the trip was over, a few of them grabbed a couple of things, but left most of the leftovers behind.

Basically, eggs, fruit, bottled drinks, frozen stuff, etc. Maybe $100 total.

The organizer of the trip (let's call him S) bought everything and the plan was for everyone to pay 1/5 of what he got from the store. Now, he wants us to split everything that was shared, but wants anyone who took something home to pay for that separately and I refused. None of this was discussed beforehand, we just assumed we'd split the costs 5-ways since that's what we've done in the past.

I was the last one to leave and took what was left so it wouldn't go to waste. We didn't discuss it beyond: "Anyone want these things?"

I assumed we would split the cost of everything 5 ways.

S started by asking me what I took home from the trip in detail, then I asked him why he was asking, he said it was for accounting purposes since another friend (let's call him A) offered to pay for a few things he took home.

It's really not a lot of money, but I'm annoyed at the request, since it wasn't discussed beforehand and my only intention was to use the food instead of throwing it away.

Sidenote: I don't know if this is of consequence or not, but also on the trip I accidentally broke the host's blender (cost ~$80). I offered to pay for it, but friend A insisted we split it. I also got everyone a round of drinks (~$60) one night out.

I don't mind being a little generous here and there, but I told him it's one thing for someone to make an offer like that, it's something else entirely to ask them for money.