This is allstates gecko. They raised him to take on geicos gecko! Mayhem will ensue!

Surprised he even made it over the grate.

Not alone! We may have teased him, but he never complained or went off on anyone. And you know how many times the man had to respond to Aren't you Danny Partridge?

He's a kind and decent human for sure!

Keepers. Since she found you, she will keep you! Keep you safe. Keep you company. Keep you active, and actively loving her!

Carrie, for Jim Carey, because she looks like she is ready to put on The Mask!

Nta! Ask him what the premium is for that policy and what the premium is for 1.5. That will give you ammo! His mom would be better off receiving the monthly premium regularly now.

And you should maybe adjust her share to no more than $500Gs. You should get triple what she gets so you can support, and give inheritance to, his children!

I have to say you are a little tiny asshole. Of course hubs wants to see his parents. He should clear it through you. If your attitude was they could come if he asked first I would feel differently.

He could have responded to "we are coming" with "well wait, let me see if wife has plans before we make plans". He was not in line giving the okay.

You have a ligit complaint that he didn't discuss this with you, 100%.

But all your complaints are only half founded.

If they come here they will gossip = they will gossip anyways. If you deny them entry, this alone is major gossip

If they come, they will ask to move in = they can ask anyways. I think energy is better spent by listing reasons they cant move in and convincing hubs to memorize some of them. If all you do is try to keep them from visiting, they can ask hubs to move in over the phone. And he seems to suck at saying no.

As far as fil being bossy, that won't change regardless of where he lives. It is an asshole move on his part. But keeping him our of your house won't change this either.

Lots of inlaws are difficult to deal with. Hubs should still be allowed to have his parents over. You can have plans, you don't have to be there.

Instead of worrying about where they are and when they visit, I would just worry about what you can do to make them not want to move in. Getting mad at hubs for having asshols parents doesn't help the situation at all. And you knew them before you married him. You has to know they would remain assholes, and remain in your lives.

Let your mom know "furries" are a kink. Tell her there will be adult men hitting on your 12 yr old sister because they won't be able to see she is a minor. Tell her you don't want to spend you time there fighting off men hitting on a 12 yr old, and that at 12, sis is not experienced enough to fend them off herself.

Try that angle! And good luck!

Nta. Sis really should not wear that!

Good job! I can't say or spell this word well, but love the dogs!!

Not sure I am spelling this right, Weirmaraner?

Killdeer sounds like the backwards cousin to sour patch kids. First they kill, then they are nice!

Cute bird though!

You can get penicillin out of bread. But this us not pure penicillin. Other molds are there too.

And the penicillin will not negate the other molds!

Lol, mine will grab another toy if you offer it. Then she takes it to her favorite toy and switches off, bringing you back the favorite.

Even if you bring a new favorite toy, and there is only half left of the old favorite toy, she will bring the old toy. SHE decides when it is time to replace it!

Your dog is normal! And adorable!

You should have asked for a $2500 deposit. Since the dress was new and never worn, that is appropriate.

And you know she wouldn't give you that money!!

She knew she had a party to attend, it's on her if she didn't expend energy looking for a suitable outfit!


The mouse must have been in there!

You ever see the movie Money Pit?!?

You were left with the chore of cleaning up and disposing of the last of the food. You would not have taken most of it had you not been the last to leave.

This is different than shopping through the leftovers for what you specifically wanted!

Explain it like that, and add in that as the last to leave you had to go through the checklist and finish cleaning. You aren't charging for that and shouldn't be charged for what was left behind by everyone!

Nta. I would bring it all to him before I paid for it.

You didn't threaten them. You warned them about reality. They were so out of line it wasn't funny!

Nta! You sound decent, kind, and like a man in love!

Best wishes to you and your wife. Regardless of how long ago, Congratulations on your marriage and for finding the right person for you!

I want to be sure you have a sincere Congratulations, after what your family said, I want you to know 100% that most people on Earth know love is love!

There is nothing wrong with not being able to walk. When you compare it to your family's disability, of not being able to talk (without offending), hers seems minor!

Drunk fun has to happen at restaurants. It is a part of the job!

Danny Bonaduce was a GM at a restaurant chain. I worked at a different location.

But my location was not the only one that would call and sing I Think I Love You to him over the phone!!

No quail needed! But if we had Amazon back then, I could see us putting in $5 each to send him one, after a few rounds!