Aegon III possibly inhibited or at least was not interested in revilitzing the birth of dragons.

He did though. He didn't want to ride one himself, but he brought in some mages to hatch some.

Partassipant [1]

Why are you the sole provider? Your wife's children are (ostensibly) adults?

This smells like she's using you as an ATM for three generations.

NTA but dude, stand up for yourself.

Edited for grammar.

Partassipant [1]


I shall join the chorus - you don't get to micromanage your guests. As long as they don't dress like a bride, and within a general level of dress (formal, semi, casual), then just be grateful they're there.

Your MIL is also an AH.

Partassipant [1]

Think of it like "This is a terrific cheesecake....except for the bits of broken glass."

Your mother is abusive. She is cruel and vindictive and mean. No amount of "good moments" make up for her awfulness. It is terribly unhealthy for you to be around someone who treats you so so badly. You do not deserve it.

Partassipant [1]

Please OP tell me this is your first child. It should be your only child with this man, who is not taking his responsibilities as a husband and a father seriously.

He calls you selfish? Ask him how selfish it is for a grandmother to take money from her fatherless grandchildren.

NTA and I am VERY concerned for the future of your marriage with a man like this.

Partassipant [1]

Sister is being a stubborn brat. She doesn't care what she wears, she just wants to get what she wants. She's demonstrated she's way too immature to attend with her siblings.

Partassipant [1]

I can smell OP's contempt for "working joes" all the way over here. I'd bet OP's friend can too.

Partassipant [1]

I dunno - with how ridiculous tipping culture has gotten (18 percent MINIMUM shows up on the card machine!!!!!) waiters make pretty frigging good cash, depending where you work. My ex made an obscene amount of money.

I know it won't happen, but I hope her degree that husband funded by working two jobs gets viewed as a marital asset and she has to pay him alimony.

During the first few months of us dating she would constantly ask things like “if Kayla had never passed, would I still be with her right now.”

What kind of bonehead thinks this is the start of a healthy relationship?

Partassipant [1]

Probably not because the dad is going to realize that Mum is unhealthily obsessed with OP and has grabbed the girl and run. And changed her name.

Partassipant [1]

You agreed to split the total cost of the groceries - not pay by what people ate. If S wants money after the fact, he's trying to renegotiate based on who ate what, so tell him to go back and tote things up by what everyone ate over the course of the trip.

"Well dude, you had two burger on friday, and that extra bacon at breakfast and oooo that extra cheese...."

Partassipant [1]

If it's past 1 am and you've been smoking, it's the reverse.

Partassipant [1]

It makes me appreciate the friends I have. At the end of our trips it's always "Oh you have this leftover tenderloin and sweet corn." "Oh no, you have it." "Well, only if you don't want it." I visit my friends in the country and always overbring booze. Sometimes I ask for a bit of it back (like the time it was 4 bottles of wine and a case of beer left from what I brought I asked if it was ok if I took back a bottle).

Yeesh, get better friends OP.

Partassipant [1]

Then tell the homewrecker to get a job. Her and her kids are already taking food out of your mouth (figuratively) because she has no morals and chases after married men.

  • yeah I know this lets dad off the hook, but dad's at least trying to step up.