I hate people who act like they matter more than anyone else.

They should be banned. Seriously. That stuff is uncalled for.


Well, imaginary hugs from an internet stranger. I hope things get better for you.

YTA. You even admitted that you had an escape hatch plan in place and just ignored it

Every time I see your Reddit name, I get excited because I know I'm in for a treat.

You really should. You're an amazing writer.

Well, I won't have any rooms available for Lucius or Narcissa either unless they have already reserved them.

NTA. When my 5yo was a baby, I ended up not having anyone watch her a few times and changed who would watch her a couple of times. The times I changed who would watch her were because he had spoken to a woman who has been a friend for many years about watching our daughter, but I didn't know her well enough to be comfortable with it. She had the gall to get offended as if I should magically trust her without knowing her well. Since then, though, some stuff came out that has him agreeing that I was right to stick to my guns.

I typically call a scammer a baby owl and ask if their mother knows what they do.

NTA. I'm 41 and don't have the patience to date anyone young enough to be my child. I see people that young as kids and it would feel like chomo crap even if they were technically legal.


I frequently say Muck About, Find Out. It's G rated and has the same message while having the side benefit of rhyming.

NTA. S is trying to double charge for anything that got taken home. Everyone agreed to the 5 way split, so the food is already being paid for. S is entitled and greedy.