I 28f have been with my husband John 26m for 4 years. We met at a party, and are very social people and love to go out. However I prefer staying home more now and go out less than John does.

John has recently joined a new friend group and they are heavy drinkers. John is a social drinker, but doesn’t drink as much as they do. Now that he has started hanging out with them he tends to match what they drink and while they can pull it off, John gets very drunk.

When he gets back from these nights out he comes in our room to sleep and is very loud. I get irritated as I have to go to work the next day and wake up at 7 and the next day John has no hangover and no memory or waking me up.

I have told John many times to pace himself when drinking with those friends or at least be quieter when you get back home.

John went out with that friend group last night and I told him I have an important presentation at work tomorrow, so please don’t wake me up. John agreed and went out. He called me as I was going to bed, and sent me drunk texts about how he was sorry but he had too much again, but he will stop after the next one.

I knew he would wake me when he gets back so I locked the bedroom door. We have a guest room downstairs and I left that door open to him with the light on to that room, closing all the other doors do he would know where to go.

When I got back from work today, John was upset I locked him out and went to bed after he sent me drunk texts. He said that judging by their tone I should have stayed up to watch him get back, or called to check on him as he was clearly very drunk. I told him he was a grown man capable of making his own decisions.

He is also upset I locked him out our room and wants me to apologise.