My (34M) Wife (36F) wants to donate money to the church

To start, she is religious, I am not. I know I know red flags already. But on date #1 we, I had thought, hashed this out. I don’t care what religion you follow as long as it promotes the same values that I hold as far as how to treat other humans. Whatever your motivation is, don’t care. She was okay with this and ‘mostly’ still is… until this.

Fast forward, we are now married. I am the single bread winner but she helps out plenty around the house. Her church is struggling financially (hmmm…. Aren’t ‘all’ of them….?). She wants to donate 10%, yes TEN percent of our total income to the church. Why 10%? I have no #%@ing clue but apparently that’s the number that shows your committed or something and are making a big enough sacrifice financially in your life. Can we afford it? Believe it or not, even with this economy, we actually can. But this is ridiculous imo. If I am a hard no, I feel she will take it along the lines of not supporting her religion or something. I have said “can we just volunteer our time at events, make goodie bags for the homeless etc?” But it’s about physical (tax free lol) money. I’ll admit, being the single income winner does make me have this underlying feeling of “it’s my money” (making me feel like TA) despite knowing it is OUR money as a married couple.

It should be OUR income, but I vote this is BS. AITAH? Either way, what do I do?