YTA You do realize you’ve already irrevocably damaged your relationship with your sister, right? She is marrying this man. Unless you plan to go NC you’ve got a lifetime of uncomfortable family events ahead of you. I can’t believe you not only wouldn’t let this go, but now the whole family knows…? Way to make her wedding about you!

You had a valid concern and raised it to her. She doesn’t agree with you. You should have left it there and supported your sister. She knows what will make her happy better than you do. Unlike you, she has had long term serious relationships. She has enough lived experience to know what worked for her and what didn’t.

You’re a nearly 30yr old hopeless romantic who’s never had a serious relationship. You shouldn’t be lecturing anybody about “true love” and what makes a successful happy marriage.

Handicap accessibility is actually rare to non-existent in most of the world. It’s likely there just aren’t any venues that can accommodate a wheelchair in their area.

Wow, Connor found a dissolvable swimsuit that so perfectly matched his wife’s that she didn’t even notice when she put it on. That’s so crazy it’s almost… unbelievable.


Smart to tell your husband the truth. You don’t want him finding receipts from a hotel and spa you never mentioned visiting!


But I totally clicked thinking “Comfort Sword” was going to be a euphemism… but nope🤣

Sometimes people can fixate so much on being the best stepparent possible that they go overboard. They’re trying to provide the SK with the love/lifestyle/etc they’ve never had before. The SP will ignore their own child because they’ve always had these things and are perceived to not be in as much need as the SK. Other times, the stepparent just genuinely gets along better with their SK more than BK.

They did consider her. OP told the bride no strapless, backless, or satin (who thinks they can dictate what fabric someone chooses ffs). She got two out of three of her requests. That’s pretty accommodating if you ask me. Sorry if they didn’t take only her needs into consideration, that’s an unreasonable expectation.

The problem is OP isn’t happy unless she gets exactly what she wants. The bride later agreed to her buying a different dress in the same color and fabric. That wasn’t good enough though. It’s still satin and OP finds that unflattering. She can’t compromise on anything and it isn’t even her wedding!

He asked you “how come” you’re happy to be pregnant? I’d think it would be pretty obvious to a father of two. Unless of course he’s not happy about this baby and can’t understand why you are.

I wish he had revealed it first too. But not because it proved they weren’t “accidents” or innocent “mistakes”. That was clear simply by the frequency she was doing it. No, I wish we knew the source of the trauma because it revealed just how truly cruel and sadistic her behavior was.

It really puts a different spin on everything . Like the “you still haven’t gotten over that? It was nine years ago” comment. Bad enough if he’d been robbed at knifepoint. But saying that to a man who watched his mother and dog murdered as a child…

I know no one deserves to be treated and terrorized this way. But not going to lie, a part of me seriously hopes Nicole moved onto Jack next.

He specifically mentioned that when he returned to the group “Jack” didn’t talk to him and “Crystal” no longer spoke with any of them. I wonder what exactly happened with Crystal. Why did she go completely no contact with everyone? There’s more to that story there.

It’s great to be frugal. And if you can’t afford a new ring, then you simply can’t afford it. But if you do have the money this is one of those areas you should indulge. Unlike a dress or catering, your rings last a lifetime. It’s worth it to get something you truly love.

Throw some sage on that shit to get the bad mojo out.

He has told you straight to your face that his mother comes first and that she always will. Nothing is ever going to change. He is showing in every possible way that you’re good enough to fuck, but you will never be good enough to marry. There is no future with this man whatsoever.

So why are you humiliating yourself and dragging your poor son along while you do it?

God, she’s going to hit the dating scene as a 45yr old single mother of three with a penchant for “manly” men. That’s going to be a brutal wake up call.

Soft YTA I get it. I’d be damn curious and concerned too. Your BIL is supposedly the father and I’d be wondering like Hell if he’s being manipulated into proposing. But it’s not your business. You risk burning down your whole life if you ask, especially if you’re wrong. You can’t come back and play happy families after accusing someone of faking a pregnancy. You’ve got a lifetime of holidays and family events with this woman… leave it be.

OP, i think this is her ending the friendship. Text back “thank you for letting me know” and leave it be. But girrrrrl, I will slap you through this app if you still plan her bachelorette or bake her that cake. She’s giving you nothing, send the same back with your best regards.

Yes. There were five couples and the lone friend. OP doesn’t specify, so some may not have even been married couples.

YTA Can you imagine this poor woman showing up alone to support her best friend and finding out she’s the only single guest there? There were five couples and best friend. That’s an absolute slap to the face no matter how you slice it.

The other guests were all couples? So your best friend was the only guest there alone?!? Oh, you AH! That puts this squarely in YTA territory.

Good for you for not letting it affect your husband’s relationship with his best friend. Hopefully your husband recognizes how hurtful the snub was and done his own reassessment of their relationship though. You don’t need to cut people out, but yes you really should never forget where you stand either. Cheers for staying classy!

NTA But you would be an AH to yourself and your family if you stay home. I can’t believe he’s demanding you miss your vacation just because he can’t go. He might have a leg to stand on if the vacation only involved the two of you or he couldn’t watch your child by himself. But he doesn’t actually need you home. He just doesn’t want you to have fun without him. No one who truly loves and respects you would ever ask you to do this.

I hope this is just a wine-drunk revenge fantasy. It was an ON/OFF relationship that ended three years ago. By your description it wasn’t even a particularly serious relationship, even though you wanted it to be.

Now you want to drag an innocent woman, toddler, and his parents into this mess and blow up their lives just to hurt him…