It could be worse. Your son could be sleeping with your ex-teammates ex-wife or your son could want to be your daughter.

As someone whos lived here for over 25 years. We sleep through those alerts.

thunderstorm is around the corner

OP: iT’s nOt tHuNdEr sToRmInG

Statistics and data dont lie. Race by itself has nothing to do with anything.

By all of the above. Including their education and what skills they can provide. Everything needs to be taken into account.

Oh yes, just jump straight into execution because you can’t possibly think of a middle ground. Fucking idiot can’t even understand that making immigration policies more strict and tighter screenings can be done. In an ideal world, everyone would contribute positively to society but this isn’t an ideal world. When you let more people in yes the average crime rate would drop but the crime thats still happening would increase. If you can’t see how that works then you need to take a simple statistics class again.

Thats not how it works. More crime is still more crime. Just because you add better beans it doesn’t decrease the amount of bad beans. It can only add to it.

Only an idiot with no ability to think would say the only other option is to lynch him.

But would tighter screening and being more selective of who is being let in be a bad thing?

It doesn’t matter who the vote goes to. Nobody can do anything without it being “black and white”. Someone needs to step up without being tied to one side or the other.

if we already have enough bad beans why should we have to worry about even more being let in?

It’s absolutely absurd. That money could have went to so many other things to make massachusetts better.

You think $500 is gonna stop someone from running or attempting to? There should be a zero tolerance policy for migrants who commit crimes.

go to oakland ca or something if thats what you think is good

Violence in the area and Brockton go hand in hand

amateurs should be taking ideas from the LPGA.

Housing style that looks like the pilgrims just landed 🤡

Here we go again with the Palestine this and Palestine that. This isn’t about them.

People call him boring when on the other end of that you have Earth is Flat Kyrie and Ja Pistol Morant.