
You seem confused. Maybe you drank too much Kool Aid.

If a Satanist is “naked” without his robe, he’s still not getting his robe in jail. No belts, no shoes, no loose clothing.

I completely agree! Compassion is necessary, but we either are a society or we are not. Allowing people that refuse to participate to still have the benefits of belonging is not going to work. It’s a federal issue.

For you diehard ad blocker people, is there a price at which Youtube premium would be worth just paying for? I have been paying for it for a few years now, I watch a ton of Youtube and couldn’t imagine using vanilla youtube at all. Seems like a fair deal to me.

Agree 💯 The only thing unprofessional is the conditions of some of these new homes. He provides a service by showing some of the things that home buyers should be aware of and does not call out builders by name. He certainly has said that some builders worse than others, so now I think we can all go ahead and assume Taylor Morrison makes shit homes.

Not everyone should drive. We make too many neighborhoods too car dependent.

Sounds like a real piece of shit.

It wasn’t the terror attack as much as the response. As far as the left goes these days, this old lady was a zionist colonizer that was complicit in an apartheid state that was responsible for decades of sadistic abuse of BIPOCS and deserved to have a lot more than a tooth broken. Nazis get punched! 🤡

Forget low info- people are confused about what fascism means so now it means less.

“Police are fascist”. Except police here operate at the municipal level. Make it make sense.

There are a lot of places that don’t tax, provide crap services to the public, and then export drug addicts for blue locales that will pick up the slack. These other places will then point to our city, struggling to respond to problems that were made, in part, by other locales, as example of what not to do. Our city can’t be a sucker.

What happened to Merrick Garland was a travesty.

Cops differ by city. You might live in a city that can’t manage to hire good people willing to be cops. There are fewer and fewer of them every day.

We’ll going to get turd-stains. And four more years- of Trump. Yay democracy.

Thanks for sharing. I think it’s also worth saying that this reinterpretation of history is something that happens across cultures to different degrees. You aren’t alone!


Are you referring to impeachment? The court used to have a role in declaring presidential acts unconstitutional.

Cool thing is that impeachment is also broken so court save was.. important.

They just need to get themselves elected president and they can do all the drugs they want.

Yeah it would be, and I’d probably be more inclined to not make builds that involve magic. Life is too short. Elden Ring/ DS are undeniably classics, but melee combat... isn’t the series’ strongest aspect.

It seems like a waste because it is. Not clear if he hit anyone with the hatchet but he was menacing people with it. Meanwhile other people are waiting for a police response that may never show up. And when they don’t it’s because of “blue flu”.

People don’t realize you need ten times the cops if you want incidents to last ten times as long and keep response times reasonable.