whea uncorrectable error on cloverOpen | Hardware

hi! my windows 10 pc keeps crashing a few minutes up to an hour after launch. i initially thought it was a hardware issue with my pc, but when i launch mac on the computer through clover, it doesn’t crash at all. does anyone know what this could be caused by, or now to fix it? thanks!

how to stop feeling like i ‘didnt have it bad enough’?Needing Advice

i've asked this in another subreddit before, and i never truly got an answer.

this is a little difficult to word, so please bear with me. i was never physically abused or overly neglected as a child, unlike a lot of the people around me. and i started believing that i didn’t have enough trauma to justify my mental illness— that i was just faking it all. whilst i am fully aware that such a mindset is harmful, i can never truly bring myself to believe i’m valid enough, and frankly, most of the time i dont even think im traumatised at all. it’s gotten bad enough to the point i frequently daydream and genuinely hope that i was physically abused, neglected etc etc, and even sought out those wants, despite how inherently twisted that want is.

i understand that this is a relatively common problem, does anyone know how to stop this feeling? any help would be appreciated!

how to stop feeling like i ‘didnt have it bad enough’?Question

this is a little difficult to word, so please bear with me. i was never physically abused or overly neglected as a child, unlike a lot of the people around me. and i started believing that i didn’t have enough trauma to justify my mental illness— that i was just faking it all. whilst i am fully aware that such a mindset is harmful, i can never truly bring myself to believe i’m valid enough, or that i’m even traumatised at all. it’s gotten bad enough to the point i frequently daydream and genuinely hope that i was physically abused, neglected etc etc, and even sought out those wants, despite how inherently twisted that want is.

i understand that this is a relatively common problem, does anyone know how to stop this feeling? any help would be appreciated!


really? in that case, should i just make a seperate payment and get it to ship straight to my house in australia?

i’m pretty sure that might take quite a long time for it to arrive, i’m not entirely sure.

travelling with prop weapons?Question

i’m currently in china to visit relatives, and i decided to order a prop gun for cosplay purposes as it’s easy to order online. i’m travelling from china to australia with a layover in hong kong, is there anything i should do if i don’t want it confiscated? any paperwork or anything to fill out? any help would be appreciated!!

edit: i already know i won’t be attempting to bring it in my carry-on. i also have a toy sword but i reckon it shouldn’t be that problematic.

yeah, haven’t heard of the system before, so i just assumed that the q900 was the main or only one.

just to clarify, i have the xiaobawang q900, its essentially like an emulator if anything as it runs a lot of games from a lot of older consoles. im trying to see if jts possible to port pspvita and other playstation games onto it.

and no, i currently dont have any photos of the inside, but i’ll try to have a look.

How to mod a chinese console?CONSOLE MOD

I was recently gifted a xiaobawang console, and i’ve been looking around for how to mod it with no luck, does anyone know how to mod it? any help would be appreciated!

how to stop feeling dysphoric in clothing i still want to wear?

i and ive been pretty okay with my choice choice of fashion and still being referred to with feminine terms. however recently, i bought pieces of clothing which are VERY feminine (jirai kei) because i thought they were cute, and when i tried them on, i really liked them. i brought them home and wore them for longer, and though i like it a lot, i feel really weird wearing it. i want to wear it and i do like it, it's just that i feel mildly uncomfortable/weird when i do. how can i stop this feeling??

i posted this question in another subreddit, and they said that this one might help.

how to stop feeling dysphoric in clothing i still want to wear?Advice

i am transmasc, and ive been pretty okay with my choice choice of fashion and still being referred to with feminine terms. however recently, i bought pieces of clothing which are VERY feminine (jirai kei) because i thought they were cute, and when i tried them on, i really liked them. i brought them home and wore them for longer, and though i like it a lot, i feel really weird wearing it. i want to wear it and i do like it, it’s just that i feel mildly uncomfortable/weird when i do. how can i stop this feeling??


i like the outfit itself and i want to wear it, it’s just that i feel weird/slightly uncomfortable wearing it.

how to stop feeling dysphoric in clothing i still want to wear?

i am transmasc, and ive been pretty okay with my choice of fashion and such. recently, i bought pieces of clothing which are VERY feminine (jirai kei) because i thought they were cute, and when i tried them on, i really liked them. i brought them home and wore them for longer, and though i like it a lot, i feel really weird wearing it. how can i stop this feeling??

if i actually went into persona 3 thinking it was going to be all happy and cheery that'll probably be the death of me, and i dont even know anything about it yet

ive been wanting persona 3 reload for the longest time!! everyone close to me has never heard the end of it.

....and yes, totally. i believe that persona 3 will definitely be good for my mental health!!

i was already planning to play reload and golden!! especially reload, im just waiting for it to go on discount since its over $100 for me...

the moment i finished the game i loaded a ng+ save, i cant get enough of it LMAO

just finished P5R for the first timeDISCUSSION

what do i do with my life now? seriously, i've heard people joke about 'post-persona depression' before, but i did not think it would hit THIS hard. i'm fucked up for the next year.

i've never touched a single persona game before this, i didn't even know a single thing about the series despite me wanting P5 for years at this point. holy fuck. how am i even supposed to recover from this??

i was waiting for someone to point my pfp out LMAO

I'm probably not going to buy it, especially considering the price. i was mainly looking for models that are similar enough. thank you anyway!

Which MP3 player should I buy?fluff

I've been looking around for MP3 players, specifically ones that are cylinder-like in shape, and attachable to lanyards. Optimally, i'd get the Sony Walkman NWZ-B183F, but i know they're out of circulation and pretty difficult to get your hands on, expensive too.

Ive found two amazon listings a model i like, but the low reviews worry me.
link one

link two

any advice and/or links on what i should do/what to buy would be much appreciated! i'd like to buy MP3 players under $20, preferably (AUD)

Which MP3 player model should I get?

I've been looking around for MP3 players, specifically ones that are cylinder-like in shape, and attachable to lanyards. Optimally, i'd get the Sony Walkman NWZ-B183F, but i know they're out of circulation and pretty difficult to get your hands on, expensive too.

Ive found two amazon listings a model i like, but the low reviews worry me.
link one

link two

any advice and/or links on what i should do/what to buy would be much appreciated! i'd like to buy MP3 players under $20, preferably (AUD)

probably an hour or so daily, hopefully? of course, it might fluctuate depending on my other work.