This is not Frontier customer service

No, unless enough people are doing this, the server goes to sleep thinking YOU'RE the asshole rather than their restaurant's owner... Speak up!

The reason San Francisco has all these fees is because we did not speak out enough 10 years ago and let it happen without protest.

Well I'm glad that I had an opportunity to educate this specific server today that their junk fee is not required by law.

I wasn't looking for an argument, all I said was "can you please ask your manager to remove this health fee?" and in response I got a whole song and dance about how there's a special law that applies to hotel and restaurant workers where the restaurant is required to add this fee...

Why are you getting mad at this commenter when the cause of this problem is the restaurant owner's greed and business practices?

Servers should not be providing false information to customers.

I asked for a manager, don't worry.

Servers providing false information, like this server telling me it was legally required, result in more people being pressured into paying these junk fees on false pretences.

We switched to credit card only for this reason.

Your executive chef should be monitoring orders that come out - no ticket, no food.

Anyone caught doing this must be immediately reported to the police and fired on the spot.

August 2024 reservations opening at 10:00 PacificDiscussion

Yes, that's in just over 10 minutes from now.

Add yourself to the waitlist if you are unable to secure your first choice reservation. If someone else doesn't complete their purchase, you'll have a chance to get that reservation.

Remember that SCALPING is 100% prohibited on this subreddit. I know that someone else created a different subreddit that allows, encourages, and facilitates this shady practice, but we won't allow it here. All reservations for sale must be listed for FACE VALUE. No buyers are to offer a finder's fee in their "wanted" posts.


Tax revenues are paid to the State, not the City

The City does not levy the sales tax, it's the CDTFA. However, this could be reported to the SF District Attorney and City Attorney, who both will likely do nothing.

No, it's not a CC processing fee.

Yes, in fact, it's required. The merchant must pay sales tax on ALL sales, which include service fees.