Question when I would upload from my phone i felt I was getting more views, are you uploading from your computer? Also does it matter where you upload from?

Archers :Archers:

I have nearly everything level 14 but I wouldn’t want to waste trade token

Much better than the garbage fall guys has become

lol is someone jealous because the game is better

Archers :Archers:

Bro, this is sort of how Quest were till these dumbasses removed it from the game

Which 2K was it where you could shoot it on top of some invisible barrier and then you would have to wait for it to fall from the sky? I’m going to assume it was 15 with how glitchy the game was

Are you dumb? Look at all the successful couples channels where people are interested in their lives

Think you can do very well especially with couples channel as some people will be interested in your life

And the ones we would get were full and cool skins, not some little hat

Archers :Archers:

Get outta here. It’s good and the Evo is just OP

2K25 will be trash if they don’t make the game less of a crazy grind to get high overall, remain with a trash city no one wants and just continue to leave the game unenjoyable.

Exactly why many of us quit - $70 game, no one likes the city we just want to get into games quick, the absurd amount of VC required to get 90 OVRs, time needed for a badge. Fuck 2K, I hope EA or some company can come and steal the player base.

What do I do my social life?

I don’t have too many friends but the ones I have are some that I truly like. At moments I can be shy/awkward but overall just focus on having a great time with the people around me. There are moments I want to hang out with them but it doesn’t happen when I try to plan it out. Outside of that I’m just going to the gym, playing sports or some family get togethers. How should I feel knowing my social life isn’t the best and I also don’t have a significant other?

Comparing myself to others, im not the happiest and want to have more happiness with others.

What am I supposed to do with 0 view locked videos?TECHNICAL QUESTION

It’s been about 2 days and 5 hours and I’ve uploaded 4 shorts during that time in which all of them have basically got 0 views. Do I just let them stay like that and somehow it’ll get views or delete and reupload them with hopes it’ll just get views?

Ohhh, damn I just checked your channel you do upload a great amount. I would struggle to post 10 in a day

Man if this gets you money like that other dude, congrats