Please know your audience. I'm not saying you are denied any right to preach human rights but this is not the server for it. Leave and take this somewhere else. I'm queer myself and couldn't care less... people are always going to have differing opinions than you it's just something you gotta live with. In fact I'd go so much to argue that even trying to accept and understand people rather than immediately trying to demonize and rectify their character based off of a surface level observation is the far better option than resorting to this kind of nonsense.

Neat. We don't care, bring your political bullshit to another subreddit this isn't the place for it.

I've got a few I've reccomended before in other posts. With my reasons too.

Starting with stolen tounges - a lot of people have been wanting to go back to the stories involving the good old paranormal entity/cryptid and in terms of that style of story I think this is the golden child when it comes to creepypasta. The writing is much like Ted's caving journal in the way that it feels like a blog due to how the author interacts with the reddit he posted it on. This one is everything that the thing in my basement wanted to be.

Tales from the gas station - a horror comedy that I think would leave a very long lasting impression on the community because of the endearingly whacky characters. Jerry would be a fan favorite. This one will have both the boys dying of laughter.

The horror from the vault - a story about an eldritch horror unearthed by scientists conducted through interviews done by the townsfolk it affected. This story is metal as fuck and reminds me a lot of greylock. I wouldn't be suprised if greylock took some elements of this story as inspiration. Great chance for some awesome voice acting work from papa meat.

Accounts from a lonely broadcast station - the narrator in this story has a great sarcastic personality that would get a good few chuckles out of the hosts. Along with some awesome ideas and a good relationship dynamic between the two main characters. Yet another one I see people attatching to the characters of.

Very possible that this will be the next episode since hunter mentioned it in the preamble of tommy taffy... let's just hope we didn't lose their trust with reccomendations.

The horror from the vaultDiscussion

I made this post earlier but my sleep deprived ass completely forgot to give proper context to the actual question so this is a rewrite.

I was watching greylock again not too long ago and it reminded me a lot of this story I listened to way back in... 2015? 2014 ish. It's called the horror from the vault and after revisiting it it's probably some of the best eldritch horror I've seen in a creepypasta. If yall know of it what's your thoughts on the guys covering it?

Updated my post. I didn't give enough context. (Don't write while sleep deprived folks)

Oh I guess there must've been a bit of a lack of context with this post. I'm asking about a story by the name of "the horror from the vault". It's got some similarity with greylock so that's why I mentioned it.

Viper :Viper:

Norway, Sweden, anywhere in that general area. Some of the best driving roads in the world there.

Youll see me raving about it like a broken record but hunter mentioned it in the preamble this episode and I'm really hoping they do stolen tongues next cause it's got REALLY good replay value. I've listened to the mrcreepypasta narration of it on countless occasions simply because the ideas it presented with its monster were so cool and eerie. Is the writing penpal and borrosca level? Certainly not, it's closer to Ted's caving journal the way it's executed in fact. The narration is very personalized by the author which granted does give the protag a good personality to latch onto instead of just being a device for the story. Author also softens the ending a bit by overexplaining the plot to the viewer in a paragraph instead of leaving it's cards on the table and letting the viewer peice it together themselves but those are really the only gripes I can think about. Strongly reccomend giving it a quick gander it's well worth your time.

Fellow left right game enjoyer. Although I think that penpal and borrasca are better written I go back to left right game more often than the other two, much better enjoyment factor. Penpal had a much greater impact on first listen way back when I first heard it as a teenager though because the twists just kept hitting like a freight train doused in napalm while lit on fire. Loved how it did it's twists.

Good story but I think we should save it until a couple more episodes. Let the gang catch their bearings cause I remember this one starting off heavy and having a uncomfortable ending that felt a little shoe horned into there. Love the imagery of the clock tower though when it gets to it though.

The best goofy story I can think of is tales from the gas station. Bit hard to get into cause the writing is amateur in the early parts but the characters are super endearing. Jerry (malboro) would give funeral kyle a run for their money.

Stolen tounges by felix blackwell would be the perfect pallet cleanser after last episode... no heavy subject matter just some good scares and a great premise. Nothing else needed.

Thankfully there's another creepypasta that executes the voice mimicking thing much better I think they should cover. It's called stolen tounges and it's written by felix blackwell. I wouldn't say it's on penpals level of writing and characters but it's got some really cool scares.

I ended up pawning the sword off for some cash. It was a slight bend but my ocd is too strong so it bugged me immensely. Probably just gonna get a hanwei tinker instead.

Bk9 has a strange coatingQuestion

Just got my mw bk9 in through bladehq and noticed that it had a smooth coating more reminiscent of the older model. Went out and did some light chopping and stabbed a log a few times and the coating is chipping off in small chunks near the edge. Very odd just wanted to know if I got some kind of Frankenstein model.

Theres a free version of the grenade charm on the pilgrim outpost in the form of the walking dead memento iirc

Standard f1 makes a better all rounder, f1 gt is better as a power build (iirc).

Yeah cars like the anniversary viper and it's crazy aero that gives it like 1200 lbs down force. (Iirc)

looking for guidanceDiscussion

Newbie here, just picked up the game and I do like it, the gunplay and mechanics are some of the best I've seen. Played some co-op matches and after thinking I got the hang of it I hopped into versus. Now I see that I am complete trash at the game. Anyone willing to give some tips? Maybe reccomend a youtuber I can watch so I can take notes on tactics and whatnot?

What I know: take it slow and dont rush. Sound is your best friend. Teamwork is the dreamwork.