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Pinnedby gabedamienModerator日本刀
Sword replicas to the uk (or katana)Identification


I just have some question. My nephew just turned 18, he always loved fantasy swords and anime katanas since he was able to talk. I would like to send him a replica sword / katana by mail as a gift, it would be Ichigo's bankai katana from Bleach (including everything, the katana would be 140 cm, the blade is not sharp and not curved. It's the tensa zangetsu form, so it's just a simple straight blade) or it would be Thranduil's sword from Hobbit (you can see that it is decorative sword, only the very end is slightly curved and it's dull too). And my nephew would only keep it in his room as a decoration for dnd nights.

My question is, would it be possible to send it? Or would the custom take it? Unfortunately, the replica shop itself, which I trust and love because I also have things from there, does not ship abroad.

Thanks in advance for the answers!

Writing advice: how would you write swordsmen who are equally-matched despite one fighting more offensively/aggressively and the other fighting more defensively/counter-offensively?

I like to imagine my two main leads, a teenage boy and a teenage girl, as aspiring swordsmen who are equals despite tending to fight differently. The boy tends to be the more aggressive or offensive one (at least generally being the one to initiate the exchange). The girl, on the other hand, is tends to be less aggressive and relies on defense and counters, usually waiting for the other to make a move before striking. Basically, it's kind of like the tiger and dragon idiom or a yin yang.

Mind you, this isn't to say the swordsmen lack the other's capabilities, techniques, and tactics. The boy can still defend and counter while the girl is not above initiating exchanges or being offensive. The key thing is "tend to" not "rely on".

However, that's just what I imagine for writing swordsmen who fight either offensively or defensively. I am curious as to how you would write these fighting styles.

P.S. don't worry about my young characters killing each other. They're friends who spar with non-lethal gear. They only use their real swords on bad guys.

Fun HEMA Training/Practice "Games"

Hello fellow swordfolks,

i lead the practice sessions of a small university HEMA/Historical Reenactement Club and think about breaking up the usual "technique training --> sparring".
Id like to integrate some fun games that also teach fundamentals (foodwork,measures,finding gaps, ect. ect.)
If you have any recomendations from stuff that you learned/thaught in your HEMA journey id be very gratefull to hear about it, or maybe get a link or a video for it.

Most of my folks do Longsword, but there are some sword + roundshield / sword + heater shield folks among them.
These games should be applyable with minimal protective gear as they are aimed mostly at beginners who do not have a lot of protective gear yet.

Thank you for any answeres and ideas.
Keep on swinnging them steel rods.

Looking for swords

Hello i live in the Netherlands and i am looking to expand my sword collection but i dont like to buy online. Is there someone who knows a physical sword shop in the Netherlands?

Question about Medeival Collectibles

To anyone who is or has done the sword of the month club, is it worth it? Have you gotten some pretty good swords from it?