i didn't want to see it bc it wasn't the main family. but i saw a few reviews which were good. went to see it a couple hours ago and def better than id expected. i didn't expect how id feel at the end. i liked the 1st the best. and this is 2nd.

i managed a movie theatre and we were stuck working when a snow storm came through. the movie theatre is open 365 days so unless it's declared a state emergency, it stays open.

so naturally no one showed up except for a few teenagers.

and at the latest showing, a midnight block of shows, a couple came in with an infant in a car seat carrier. of course to see a horror movie.

parents of the year. horror movie. 12am movie. infant. snow storm.

not everyone goes there to "get away from kids" lol.

is it selfish to bring a kid on a cruise as a family vacation or getaway, bc there is a casino area there? and if anything there may be even less for the kids to do on a cruise as there is on a beach with vendors and restaurants and i don't know.. maybe the beach?

years ago i said something about it on one my instagram posts and hashtagged "emily valentine" (didn't even tag her) and she left a comment and was all pissed off i made fun of her haircut. aka she was searching #emilyvalentine ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ

and jen didn't just point a finger at her and push danielles shoulder. she straight up used both hands and shoved her hard.

wait so they are back together? it wasn't old screenshots?

i just don't know why he thinks if he "calls out" a blogger or whoever about making up lies.. that they will stop lol.

lol i hope he got kicked off already.

wasn't he supposed to be off social media for a bit?

i wanna watch dorinda on traitors but i haven't watched that show either. CLIP!

i cannot get into summer or winter house. my friend yells at me bc i don't watch those or miami ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ just waiting for oc to watch shannon lose it ๐Ÿ˜‚

it's the same when ppl are like- omg i'm so bipolar. or every guy on the planet will tell you at least ONE of their exs was bipolar.

yeah i'd be at the ny one. i'm just on the fence. ๐Ÿค”

hmm okay. depending if it's worth $60/ticket since i'm not really into senses fail.