A lot of nurses and firefighters have excellent salaries. Your comment seems a bit snobby and misguided.

But OP’s husband should be the one doing the explaining, she shouldn’t have to

I’m a safe but not good driver tbh. I have a shamefully poor sense of direction. Aaand I’m really glad I started driving as soon as I possibly could as a teen, because I think I may have been scared if I started as an adult. But I’m a perfectly okay driver.

All that to say — don’t limit yourself if you don’t even know it’ll be a problem for you! Don’t make your life smaller needlessly. Driving instruction is part of the licensing process for a reason. Most people with ADHD can absolutely be safe drivers

I think it’s pretty unreasonable to say all people who treat addiction with methadone use are incapable of making sensible choices

This principle doesn’t really apply to parents of young children.

This is so sweet! I’m not a mom (yet — I hope to be one someday!) and I feel this way about my godson and his siblings. I never want to overstep, but I feel grateful to be part of their lives and to be able to watch them grow and be another safe adult for them. It’s lovely that you feel that way about your daughter’s “village”

https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/Basic-Patterns.aspx Here are some stats re: exonerations that includes some basic info on the crimes in question. Of course these numbers aren’t necessarily representative and more serious crimes are more likely to receive significant attention in appeals, so I’m not sure it’s possible to know. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I am will come by and enlighten us.

Regardless, I suspect you and I will not agree because I don’t think the government should perpetrate human rights abuses.

You’re so sweet! I’m in the positives again, but either way it’s totally fine, I wasn’t trying to be a jerk and you clearly know that, so it’s all good!

That is absolutely not the rate of false convictions in this country, and likely in Louisiana in particular.

I didn’t say the reason was hormonal changes, though that could certainly be part of it. Either way, I think your argument is pretty dishonest. The justification for those laws is not exclusively that the treatments are ineffective — they’re in violation of human rights.

Sexual fluidity and preference change later in life is absolutely a real thing, especially for women

Sara’s pronouns are also they/them fyi!

Omg you are both being so annoying

It’s because people are tired of paying cops’ insane overtime while they are often, at best, in the way and, at worst, actually killing people

What is the “right thing” here? We have absolutely no idea what the goal of their presence is in this case

Thank you for sharing! I was considering going there because “how bad can it be?” — apparently pretty bad.

No one remotely reasonable would argue that U.S. courts are in good order, but I think what the article points out (often clumsily) is the difference between the US’s protected speech, incl. of the press, vs. the UK’s approach — it’s not really pointing out differences in the court systems more broadly

What do you think would happen?

Wait, what did you order?! I’ve only been there once but it was good!

I love him, but I don’t think that character was ace or gay, and I think making him so would kind of cheapen the plotline about sexual incompatibility, erectile dysfunction, etc. which are very common things (far more so than asexuality) and frankly more interesting than “affected mama’s boy is secretly gay”

I’d be happy to see another asexual character though, if handled well (which, on this show…)

Yeah, I’m anti-incarceration but tbh when I hear this type of thing my first response is “straight to jail”

How(‘re) you going is a real expression in Australia!