Oh, i know the answer to that one! Cuz he's imaginary!

Seriously, stop worrying about bottlenecks. You're never going to eliminate all bottlenecks. Your gpu is a bit old, so just get the best one you can afford now. If it's more than your cpu can handle, so what?

I liked that one engineer guy who helped Maeve. Yeah, he was certainly forced at the beginning, but he also clearly saw an intelligent being being tortured daily.

I liked that one engineer guy who helped Maeve. Yeah, he was certainly forced at the beginning, but he also clearly saw an intelligent being being tortured daily.

I still like the neomorphs. Nice spin on the ol' xeno. But outside of that, yeah. It breaks Canon left and right, goes down some weird tangents, and I just didn't care about a single one of the characters.

Contractions are two words. "We're" is "we are".

Any of the Mad Max films. Watch them in order, and you can watch the world fall further and further. They also have fan-fucking-tastic action, especially Fury Road.

I'd unhinged my jaw like a snake just to give it a try.

Ok, so you've seen or experienced things, and you attribute those to the supernatural. So what? How does it make any sense to attribute things positively to something we can't demonstrate even exists? At best, you could say 'I don't know', and that's it. You have to provide positive evidence of the supernatural to convince someone who doesn't buy it.

It's like this. If i see a hoof print in the snow, it makes more sense to conclude it is from a horse versus a unicorn. We have evidence of horses, none of unicorns. Do you follow?

Ready or Not. The ending is by far the best part. It's ridiculous, over the top, and highly amusing.

Accurate to what? We've never demonstrated the existence of a ghost, let alone a demon. So... How is it accurate?

YES! It's got a bit of everything, and is just so fucking fun!

What's with the tape on her neck? You gotta zoom in on her left shoulder/neck area, but the whole image looks off.

I can think of no other film for 'worst film ever'. Yeah, the Room is an incompetent mess, but Troll 2 is a magnificent mess! The Room made me feel awkward. Troll 2 had me laughing out loud.

I used to watch and love Lost. And when they did what they did with his character, it was damaged beyond repair. Locke was the anchor for that show, because of O'Quinn.

That is an immensely satisfying moment. Finally, Ripley gets to really hit back and let it all out.

No, no, no. It's Odin. He said he'd get rid of the frost giants, and I don't see any frost giants!

Definitely without. I don't want to chip a tooth when I'm going to town on some beautiful woman's chest.

All made by directors with very, very good eyes for cinema. Scott knew what to show, and what to keep hidden. Same could be said for Spielberg in films like Jaws. Carpenter and the Thing? Well, let's thank Rob Bottin for his herculean effort. So many others were made as cheap thrills. No art in them.

Agreed, though I did like the second. It knew what it was, and I enjoyed it making fun of sequels, while falling prey to every one of its tropes.