Rhode beauty, but personally i've never tried their products

Ooo true!! that's a better system to go about it. I love that

I've heard of people preferring different times to apply it like spraying after each step, but i prefer to keep it at the end in case i need to fix any mistakes in prev steps

Ahhh then i'll definitely get some for sure. It's always satisfying when ik i got it all out. Thanks!

Yeah I never followed the washing machine suggestion thankfully cause i felt iffy about it lol.

maybe i should try out a mat if it makes it easier then ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ cause i alwaysss procrastinate washing my brushes.

I never tried a mat tbh, does it help with cleaning more thoroughly? or make it easier/faster process?

How do you clean your brushes and how often do you do it?

I wet the brush then use a bar of soap, but i've also heard others suggesting putting them in the washing machine which is iffy.

It's a lip oil but i loveeee the Nyx Fat oils, they are good on their own and on top of a lipstick.

The anime stopped just before things got more interesting, and romance is more on the side as it focuses more on world building, politics, and adventure. Also, the men/dragons she collects are more family rather than romantic partners.

So if that interests you, i'd definitely say to read the manga :D

My mother fainting and crying from extreme unknown pain in the middle of the night and no place was open to get proper aid due to new years, then the next day a 7.6 earthquake resulting in canceling our day tour in Amanohashidate.

What about syria then lol? What about the invasion by Israel which lead to the creation of Hezbollah

Is there an active genocide on the native inhabitants, an active open air prison, an active apartheid in those countries?

They can be evicted, just like how they forcefully evicted Palestinians out of their homes for people from New York to come live in Palestinian homes.

"You disagree with me on my values so it's okay for you to be murdered" ๐Ÿ‘

Christina's and Jews don't need to be in every leadership position everywhere, it is impossible. They might be where they are the majority, but they aren't the majority everywhere.

How bad are you coping??? Gaza and West Bank have christians tho??? Israel literally destroyed Palestines oldest church but ok.

Moreover, Palestine before being illegal occupied by Israel, they allowed people of all religions and races to visit and reside in Palestine.

and Syria and Lebanon are being simultaneously bombed by Israel but let's just ignore that

Adding to the highlighter bit, you can use Hinces radiance balm which looks so good but it's a bit tricky to use.

and that's by muslims who are wrong and don't follow the religion, it's not what the religion dictates

"homophobic adjective having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against gay people."

Gay people are treated as people and not hated in Islam.