Idk some of them are just good. Just cuz the human plot is weak doesn’t mean the film is now a “good” bad movie. I didn’t like the latest one but Godzilla 2014, skull island and Godzilla vs Kong are good. They got positive reviews from critics too.

That is NUTS!!!! Are the lines super long just for the Japanese VAs or are also the big English speaking VAs?

That’s crazy to me. Sounds like if you’re someone who gets autographs, you’re really spending most of your day just in line for them?

Did I see you wearing a Cory in the house DVD as a necklace? Lmao

I cannot fathom doing a full day of AX having just done all nighter. Sounds beyond exhausting

You don’t need intent to be racist. That subplot would not fly today and for good reason.

lol it looks like it’s an intentional part of the design

“Found at an altar in the ruins” do you mean #31?

Yes this guide confused me, they need to remove the words pot shadow from #31