North Phoenix

To be clear, I went with the one I linked to in the original post, at the "Edit", the metal hose. I've been using both of mine year-round almost daily and they still look and work like new. They don't kink, they don't knot, they don't leak at all. I'm never going back to rubber hoses. They're a little pricey, but they are phenomenal and worth every penny. I even gave one to my stepdad who had the same problem I did originally. He's kind of pretentious and has strong opinions on product value and quality, but even he admitted it surpassed his expectations.

Spencer Canyon Campground on Mt. Lemmon. It's FCFS but has a restroom and, IIRC, a water pump if needed (but real talk you should always just bring enough drinking water yourself).

SSL Vintage Drive is giving me a strange rumbling hum. Not sure why...

I have a mastering chain with Vintage Drive at the top. I'm happy with the sound of my master with everything on it, but I'm getting an odd rumble when some vocals sing harmonies. There's nothing under 180hz in this spot, but Vintage Drive is giving me subharmonics under that, from the bottom up to that 180 mark. Bypassing the VD removes it entirely, and the mix itself is clean and high-passed here. I know I could just high-pass this portion to cut it, but I'm worried it may be adding more subharmonics to the rest of the song.

What might be happening here? Sorry; I'm new to mastering and, to a lesser extent, general engineering as well. (I don't have all the ideal plugins, but we all start somewhere eh?)

Here's a screenshot of my VD setup and chain, for reference.

Oof, out of luck there. I don't have a soldering gun. I'll just spring form the new part and be sure it works.

I'm seeing ~$40 for this exact part. Cheaper than I thought, but worth trying to fix. 🤷‍♂️

Their insurance company's job is to try and make you lose, not to get it right. Why you didn't file a claim with your insurance first is beyond me. You pay them, they'll work for you.

The valve holds tight just fine under pressure, so I just need to see if there is indeed a blockage right before it or otherwise the valve is not opening fully (and may be calcified, which I can fix).

Ooh, Riverbond actually looks kinda cool. Not really open-world as you said, but I think what he's really after is more top-down stuff than side-scrolling.

That's fair. Thanks for the analysis. I may still give it a shot considering it has quests and whatnot, and not every game has to be a structured learning experience. I think his issue with Goose Game is that the puzzles are actually pretty tough to figure out because a lot of it is trial and error, which a 5yo hasn't fully grasped yet.

Ah, I see now. I just put everything on a flash drive because I bounce back and forth often. Thanks for the help!

Can't seem to activate on this laptop. It says it's installed on this local disk but not activated, and there's nowhere to activate it from what I can tell. Sorry, I'm kinda new at all this still.

That seems to be it. I can't figure out how to activate a second license on my Waves EQ and whatnot, though. :/

Playback cuts out and in every 10-15 seconds or so. CPU is sitting around 20% usage, disk is 50% available.Help Request

Windows 10, PT 2024.3

12gb RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U 2.1 GHz

Under system usage, disk cache is 2%, memory is 25%.

Changing my disk playback cache size and hardware buffer don't seem to have any effect. If I disable all my plugins, playback is normal, but obviously this is no way to work on stuff. This processor should be more than enough to run ~10 tracks with fairly basic plugins, but I can't find a solution to this. My desktop at home has roughly the same processor quality and never has problems even with a huge session and tons of plugins/processing.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

North Phoenix

Warmer and not as much rain. March is typically when the 80's set in by the end. At my house, we never broke 80 once.

The biggest thing is the last bit: you never stop growing. Just because you may not like who you are doesn't mean you're going to be stuck that way forever. Any time you look back and feel shame for something you did in the past, that's proof of growth.

It's like one mile from where Google slapped the label "South Tucson". If you want to split hairs, I guess go for it.

North Phoenix

Huh. Did they straighten out the Ray intersection at Ellsworth or do you still have to turn awkwardly to get through?

If they did fix it, I'm getting almost 28 miles from Ironwood to where it wraps around to Chandler Blvd.

North Phoenix

Some people like the southwest charm, but I know plenty of those who would pass. I personally don't like how lumpy and uneven it makes the floor, especially in the kitchen where you spend a lot of time on your feet. I've found it's also not really possible to use flat mops on them. I didn't mind using an old school mop and bucket, but I missed the convenience. It's definitely a preference, so just understand that's going to potentially lengthen your search and/or lower value. I mean not dramatically, but still.

North Phoenix


Also you dodge all the I-10/downtown traffic, so it's kinda like sneaking by everyone.