Omg if you’ve seen hacks the devon sawa of it all is J A R R I N G

It’s a cream top from maru. It’s basically an iced coffee with a cold creamy foam on top. The foam legit tastes like whip cream. Their coffee is really good but tbh if you got an iced coffee with cold foam cream made with heavier milk/cream it’s prob be similar if you don’t live in LA. I don’t think it’s sweetened other than the foam, it’s not overly sweet.

Wait I keep getting ads for those blankets and I keep being like is this a scam 😂

Can pretty much guarantee it’s just expensive. That’s why she’s wearing it.

It looks like the silver dress kim k wore on like james corden or something a while back when she got really skinny

It’s a huge part of why I couldn’t get into this podcast, it’s the opposite of someone “having a face for radio” 🥲

Yesss!! It screamed “adult children of emotionally immature parents” to me, ava being super parentified

This! She poses constantly like a 90s pageant queen too, right down to how she walks and holds her hands, idk why but I’m always like 🥴

This guy has never been good looking. I’m so confused. Is he just tall?

Did not think I’d see a horizon zero dawn reference here 😂👏🏻

She’s sorta starting to look like the scary versions of people in that coraline stop motion movie. Angry with harsh angles

If you have severe dry eye you can also get permanent plugs place in two of your tear ducts (you have 4), to help keep moisture in. There’s also prescription eyedrops that help