It's been absolutely wild to see the amount of energy and time Jess has been doing to try and convince herself Harry is a good guy when deep down she knows.

It's definitely telling to remember that PM was filmed before her LIB season aired so she probably had no idea how much of a breakout star she would be on that season and so she's probably trying to do everything possible to stay with Harry so her ig number will continue to go up.

Her response to Melinda after asking the group what went down was just outrageous and calling it "the melinda show" and not coming for Harry with any of that energy. In the back of her head, she's probably trying to justify any way possible to stay with him because of that huge instagram number that he is. And it's funny everyone is calling Melinda a "clout chaser" When that's ironically exactly what Jess is doing by continuing to stay with Harry.