2002, season 1 of American idol. Ryan Starr. I was 9 lol happy pride ya queers 🥰


So sorry I posted this high on Meg and after her album I realized I needed to focus on the task at hand lmao…

My OG post gives some context: https://www.reddit.com/r/megantheestallion/s/SR4FXF6Dby

But basically the TLDR is these photos are show 3 out of 4 so far lol..for me. I am not a woman of many dollars but I am a Me(a)gan myself, love meg, handmade a SUGA jacket and rhinestoned over 1500 rhinestones on my stallion shorts/jacket🤪, Started at the nose bleeds in Houston night 1, got pit tickets night 2 and she signed my jacket, 3rd night in Dallas I caught her eye and she pulled me down….now I’m working on making her a jacket bc I’m back in the pit for ATL tues 🥹🥰😛

ETA: I posted pics of the fit in comments of the original post there just so much backstory and I’m like 😮‍💨🫡😨

Yeh this is a screenshot from the video and my new wallpaper 😩😩😩😩

staring into my soul